Clifton Park, NY 2466

Lodge Facilities

Facility Contact

To book an event at the Clifton Park Elks please click here to inquire about the use / rental of the Clifton Park Elks Lodge facilities.


Clifton Park Elks Bingo is held every 2nd and 4th Thursday evening (except major holidays) at the Lodge. There are a variety of bingo games, progressive jackpot, and bonus ball. Also, a variety of pull-tab games are available. Doors open at 5 PM. First game starts promptly at 7 PM. Food and non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase. Proceeds help support Elks charities.

Lodge Rooms

Same rooms used for Banquets.

Dining Room

Most Friday Evening Dinners are available from 6:00 to 8:00 PM during the months from September through May. During the Summer months, other special events will occur. We suggest that you check the "Friday Night Dinner" link for the menu or call in advance to confirm that dinners are being served. Telephone 518-877-5200.

Club Facilities

A place for members and their guests where they can enjoy social interactivity.

Covered Pavilion

The Lodge has a covered pavilion for picnics and parties. Cooking facilities are available within the building. The pavilion was renovated in the Summer of 2016.


Ample parking is available for all events.

Ball Field

Hosts summer league and is used during picnics and for Charity Softball games

Horseshoe Pits

For both party/picnic use and league play.

Bocce Courts

Used primarily for league play. Bocce is played on Thursday evenings during the warm months.

Dart Boards

The Lodge hosts a dart league for members.