Who Are the Elks?

Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge Gives Children Joyous Outing at Beach
The first Kiddies' Outing conducted by Bridge port, Conn.. Lodge No. 36 was an unqualified success. More than 200 crippled and orphan children of the city were taken to Pleasure Beach in special automobiles donated by the members for the occasion. Everything was provided the youngsters in the way of refreshments and confections, and the concessions at Pleasure Beach were at their disposal throughout the day. The children were accompanied by 25 nurses of the Catholic Charitable Bureau, and the autos were escorted to the city limits by a squad of motorcycle police. The final touch to make the day a complete success in the minds of the children was the promise that a similar affair would be held by the Lodge in the future.

More News from September, 1924