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Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Donors of Betty Bacharach Home Give Institution $13,000
A gift of $13,000 to pay for additions and alterations to the Betty Bacharach Home for Crippled Children at Longport, N. J., was recently made by Mrs. Jacob Bacharach and her sons, Hon. Harry Bacharach, former Mayor of Atlantic City, N, J., and Congressman Isaac Bacharach—both members of Atlantic City, N. J., Lodge No. 276. The Home, which is valued" at $40,000, was presented to Atlantic City Lodge last spring by the Bacharach brothers in honor of their mother, after whom it is named. It is perhaps the only Home of its kind owned and operated by an Elks Lodge. It has already served the community during the summer and now that this generous gift frees it of all encumbrances, the scope of its activities will be greatly enlarged.

More News from September, 1924