Car Show is scheduled for August 19, 2023
Officer teams are Ready for a New Lodge Years 2023-24
Add “Promoting Elkdom With Enthusiasm” to your list of 2023 resolutions
Five New Members Join the Elks
Contest will be held at the SOuthern Saratoga YMCA on Saturday, Nov. 12
Saturday, October 1 Event is Open to the Public
The Clifton Park Elks will host their 16th Annual Car, Truck & Bike Show on Saturday, August 20.
The Clifton Park Elks will host their Annual Car Show on Saturday, August 20, from 9 AM to approximately 4 PM. All makes and models of cars, trucks and motorcycles are welcome.
Event will be held from Nov. 4th through Nov. 18 Please donate items.. Proceeds from the Silent Auction will support the Clifton Park Elks Ladies Auxiliary.