Elk of the Month
Clifton Park Lodge 2466 Elks Trail
Friday Night Dinners at the Lodge
Officers of the Ladies Auxiliary
Elks: Why We Join
Famous People who were Members of the BPOE
Officer In Charge Schedule
Dart League Information
Our Lodge Location - Driving Directions
Super Bowl Party at the Lodge
Past Exalted Rulers Association NEWS
Boy Scout Troop 246
All the Lodge EMAIL ADDRESSES in ONE Place
Our Mission
How to become an Elk
To Our Absent Members ........
NYSEA President Michael J Bloss, 2010-2011
History Of Clifton Park Elks
Past Exalted Rulers
Greater Clifton Park Area Golf Courses
Join us on June 14 for the 47th Annual Flag Day Celebration
Celebrating the Foundation of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Halloween Party
Lodge Office Installation 2017
NYS President Visitation - October 21
New York State Elks Association 'Hoop Shoot
Annual Travers Day Drive-thru Chicken Bar-B-Q
Special Valentines Dinner
Worker's Appreciation Dinner
27th Annual Lodge Golf Tournament
Elktoberfest for Major Projects
Clifton Park Elks Soccer Shoot
Lodge New Year's Eve Party - Dec. 31
Annual Charity Chili Cook-off
Annual Elks Memorial Service
Annual Hoop Shoot - Saturday, November 16
Clifton Park Annual July 4th Parade & Celebration
Mini Golf Tournament and Family Picnic
Monthly Veterans & Scholarship Breakfast
Clifton Park Elks Dart Tournament
Ladies Auxiliary Annual Basket Party & Luncheon
Compete for Title of Best Chowder
Clean up Day May 11, 2024
Town of Clifton Park July 4th Parade