Who's Who

Hoop Shoot Directors
National Hoop Shoot Program Office

Elks National Foundation
2750 N. Lakeview Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614-2256

(773)755-4758 (Office Telephone)
(773)755-4733 (Fax)
Hoopshoot@elks.org (Email)

Regional Director
Larry Torres
Coalinga, CA Lodge #1613
West Region #7--Arizona, California-Hawaii, Guam, Nevada, Philippines, Utah

(559)821-9237 (Cell Telephone)

Regional Director
Anthony Voulgaris
Oshkosh, WI Lodge #0292
North Central Region #3--Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin

(920)410-0176 (Cell Telephone)

Regional Director
Steven R Lucas
Tyrone, PA Lodge #0212
Northeast Central Region #5 -- New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

(814)505-8566 (Cell Telephone)
hoopshoots@gmail.com (Email)

Regional Director
Brandon W Wilkins
Salida, CO Lodge #0808
West Central Region #8--Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming

Regional Director
Terry McMichael
Cynthiana, KY Lodge #0438
Central Region #9--Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee

(859)298-9198 (Cell Telephone)

Regional Director
Jeffrey R Franklin
Linton, IN Lodge #0866
Great Lakes Region #4--Indiana, Michigan, Ohio

(812)512-2225 (Cell Telephone)
indianaelkshs@gmail.com (Email)

Regional Director
R Michael Stewart
Putnam, CT Lodge #0574
New England Region #6--Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

(860)235-1681 (Cell Telephone)
rmsstewart1325@gmail.com; (Email)

Regional Director
Harley L Birchmier
Kellogg, ID Lodge #1841
Northwest Region #1--Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

(208)818-5263 (Cell Telephone)
loghog2010@gmail.com (Email)

Regional Director
Lynn Rutherford-Snow
Waynesboro, VA Lodge #2270
Southeast Central Region #10--Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia

(434)953-7072 (Cell Telephone)
jlsnow81305@earthlink.net (Email)

Regional Director
Kelly McDermott
Dallas, TX Lodge #0071
Southwest Region #11--Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

tesahoopshoot@yahoo.com (Email)

Regional Director
John Morford
Livingston, MT Lodge #0246
Northwest Central Region #2--Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota

(406)581-4182 (Cell Telephone)
jmorford@bigskyracks.com (Email)

Regional Director
Jeff M Rumler
Sanford, FL Lodge #1241
Southeast Region #12--Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Panama, Puerto Rico, South Carolina

(407)402-0884 (Cell Telephone)
jeffrumler@gmail.com (Email)

State Association Hoop Shoot Committee Chairs
AK: Alaska State Elks Association
Dena Louise Sessler
Eagle River, AK Lodge #2682

(907)317-4764 (Cell Telephone)
denalsess@gmail.com (Email)

AL: Alabama Elks Association
Joel F Vickery
Marion County, AL Lodge #2684

(205)412-5428 (Cell Telephone)
Jtvickery86@yahoo.com (Email)

AR: Arkansas State Elks Association
Don Chavis
Fort Smith, AR Lodge #0341

479 414 3408 (Cell Telephone)
dchavis1901@att.net (Email)

AZ: Arizona Elks Association
Gregg Boyce
Show Low, AZ Lodge #2090

(928)521-2254 (Cell Telephone)
greggboyce@hotmail.com (Email)

CA: California - Hawaii Elks Association
David Martin
Atascadero, CA Lodge #2733

(805)459-9242 (Cell Telephone)
dnjracing@att.net (Email)

CA: California - Hawaii Elks Association
Leslie Fisher
Riverside, CA Lodge #0643

(951)906-7927 (Cell Telephone)

CO: Colorado Elks Association
Brandon W Wilkins
Salida, CO Lodge #0808

(719)207-3377 (Cell Telephone)
wilks3@yahoo.com (Email)

CT: Connecticut Elks Association
James R Weingart
Torrington, CT Lodge #0372

860-485-3460 (Cell Telephone)
jeanandjimw@gmail.com (Email)

FL: Florida State Elks Association
Eric Johnson
Merritt Island, FL Lodge #2650

(321)749-6250 (Cell Telephone)
eric.b.johnson@lmco.com (Email)

GA: Georgia Elks Association
William Vance Rhodes
Dalton, GA Lodge #1267

(770)833-5048 (Cell Telephone)
wvrhodes1@gmail.com (Email)

IA: Iowa Elks Association
Dennis R Davis
Keokuk, IA Lodge #0106

319-795-9227 (Cell Telephone)
dennisdavis885@gmail.com (Email)

ID: Idaho State Elks Association
Harley L Birchmier
Kellogg, ID Lodge #1841

(208)818-5263 (Cell Telephone)
loghog2010@gmail.com (Email)

IL: Illinois Elks Association
James C Swisher
Pana, IL Lodge #1261

815-341-4072 (Cell Telephone)
swishiv@consolidated.net (Email)

IN: Indiana Elks Association
Jeffrey R Franklin
Linton, IN Lodge #0866

(812)512-2225 (Cell Telephone)
indianaelkshs@gmail.com (Email)

IN: Indiana Elks Association
Jeffrey L Mullendore
Columbia City, IN Lodge #1417

(574)453-8313 (Cell Telephone)
mullyindiana@centurylink.net (Email)

KS: Kansas Elks Association
Tony L Nash
Parsons, KS Lodge #0527

(620)778-4779 (Cell Telephone)
tnash@altamontks.com (Email)

KY: Kentucky Elks Association
Mary Kay Hendricks
Cynthiana, KY Lodge #0438

859-298-5615 (Cell Telephone)
marykhicks987@yahoo.com (Email)

LA: Louisiana Elks Association
Shane Garrard
Opelousas, LA Lodge #1048

337-332-6793 (Cell Telephone)
shane.garrard@stlandryparish.org (Email)

MA: Massachusetts Elks Association
Harry L See
Tewksbury-Wilmington, MA Lodge #2070

(978)239-5798 (Cell Telephone)
hcansee@aol.com (Email)

MD: Maryland - Delaware - District Of Columbia Elks Association
Dewayne Wilcher
Camp Springs, MD Lodge #2332

(240)882-8755 (Cell Telephone)
dwaynewilcher@yahoo.com (Email)

ME: Maine Elks Association
George A Jones
Augusta, ME Lodge #0964

(207)242-3520 (Cell Telephone)
gjonesmaine@gmail.com (Email)

MI: Michigan Elks Association
Robert Spelde
Muskegon, MI Lodge #0274

hoopshoot@mielks.org (Email)

MN: Minnesota Elks Association
Mark Allen Johnson
Wadena, MN Lodge #2386

(218)639-8222 (Cell Telephone)
daytona500beach@hotmail.com (Email)

MO: Missouri Elks Association
Jeffery Holt
Christian County, MO Lodge #2777

(417)429-3512 (Cell Telephone)

MS: Mississippi State Elks Association
Craig J Huch
Gulfport, MS Lodge #0978

cjhuch@reagan.com (Email)

MT: Montana State Elks Association
Kevin Engellant
Dillon, MT Lodge #1554

(406)925-1987 (Cell Telephone)
Kevin.Engellant@umwestern.edu (Email)

NC: North Carolina State Elks Association
Mark A Alderman
Mount Airy, NC Lodge #2061

(336)401-3481 (Cell Telephone)
secretary@mtairyelks.com (Email)

ND: North Dakota Elks Association
Jeff Douty
Jamestown, ND Lodge #0995

(701)320-3282 (Cell Telephone)
jeffrey.douty@interstateeng.com (Email)

NE: Nebraska Elks Association
Adam Berlin
York, NE Lodge #1024

aberlin033@gmail.com (Email)

NH: New Hampshire St Elks Association
Dennis J Dionne
Keene, NH Lodge #0927

(603)752-1180 (Cell Telephone)
dennisjudie@comcast.net (Email)

NJ: New Jersey State Elks Association
Thomas Troutman
Old Bridge, NJ Lodge #2229

(908)217-2687 (Cell Telephone)
ttrout5554@aol.com (Email)

NM: New Mexico Elks Association
Gregory J Hilliard
Albuquerque, NM Lodge #0461

(505)414-8183 (Cell Telephone)
ghilliard0926@gmail.com (Email)

NV: Nevada State Elks Association
Al Babb
Reno, NV Lodge #0597

(775)846-2811 (Cell Telephone)
albabb@sbcglobal.net (Email)

NY: New York State Elks Association
Stephen M Dorsey
Saratoga-Wilton, NY Lodge #0161

518-369-1985 (Cell Telephone)
stephendorsey1@gmail.com (Email)

OH: Ohio Elks Association
Dennis M Sabo
Bellevue, OH Lodge #1013

densabo@gmail.com (Email)

OK: Oklahoma Elks Association
Melissa Sue Upton
Shawnee, OK Lodge #0657

(918)284-5658 (Cell Telephone)
msupton1385@gmail.net (Email)

OR: Oregon State Elks Association
Stephen D May
Silverton, OR Lodge #2210

(503)871-2993 (Cell Telephone)
smay34@aol.com (Email)

PA: Pennsylvania Elks St Association
Kathy J Kendall
Chambersburg, PA Lodge #0600

(717)377-3643 (Cell Telephone)
coachkendall42@gmail.com (Email)

RI: Rhode Island St Elks Association
Steven Lagesse
Tri-City, RI Lodge #0014

(401)413-5888 (Cell Telephone)
slagesse21@gmail.com (Email)

SC: South Carolina Elks Association
Tim Anderson
Walterboro, SC Lodge #1988

(843)200-3057 (Cell Telephone)
psptim@scelks.org (Email)

SD: South Dakota Elks Association
Heather Yost Perry
Pierre, SD Lodge #1953

(317)549-5262 (Cell Telephone)
heatheryostperry@gmail.com (Email)

TN: Tennessee Elks Association
James Summers
Trenton, TN Lodge #1279

pipsummers@yahoo.com (Email)

TX: Texas Elks State Association
Keith Stanley
Arlington, TX Lodge #2114

(817)319-2327 (Cell Telephone)
keith.stanley2327@outlook.com (Email)

UT: Utah Elks Association
Brenda Shaw
Provo, UT Lodge #0849

(801)358-0993 (Cell Telephone)
brendashaw65@gmail.com (Email)

VA: Virginia State Elks Association
Geoffrey B Cox
Loudoun, VA Lodge #2406

(703)409-7229 (Cell Telephone)
geoff@geoff-cox.com (Email)

VT: Vermont Elks Association
David T Bingham
Barre, VT Lodge #1535

802-233-0049 (Cell Telephone)
budcommish@aol.com (Email)

WA: Washington State Elks Association
Joseph C Basil
Raymond, WA Lodge #1292

(360)942-8131 (Cell Telephone)
joebaz56@gmail.com (Email)

WI: Wisconsin Elks Association
Eugene Wusterbarth
Oconto, WI Lodge #0887

eawusterb@yahoo.com (Email)

WV: West Virginia Elks Association
James B Phillips
St. Marys, WV Lodge #1701

(304)299-0037 (Cell Telephone)
roadbiker315@gmail.com (Email)

WY: Wyoming Elks State Association
Westley C Stull
Casper, WY Lodge #1353

307-262-0776 (Cell Telephone)
wstull9620@aol.com (Email)