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Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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News of the Order From Far and Near
Many members of Sacramento, Calif., Lodge who own cars have cooperated in the Safe Drivers' Campaign by signing Safety Drivers' Club pledges. A fraternal visit was recently made by Prove, Utah, Lodge to Park City, Utah, Lodge. The officers of Provo Lodge conducted the initiation of a good-sized class. A building committee was recently appointed by Schenectady, N. Y., Lodge to consider plans for the enlargement and improvement of its present Home. District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John B. Knapp recently made his official visit to Easton, Pa., Lodge where he was elaborately entertained. An excellent entertainment and good music were features of the Beefsteak Supper recently given by Newport, R. I., Lodge. Newton, Mass., Lodge is remodeling its Home. Bristol, Pa., Lodge observed its nineteenth birthday with a large banquet. As part of its series of visits to sister Lodges, Anaheim, Calif., Lodge recently paid a call on Huntington Park, Calif., Lodge, where a fine reception was given in its honor. Pawtucket, R. I., Lodge issued, in connection with the celebration of its twentieth anniversary, a beautiful souvenir program containing interesting information about its organization. The Saxophone Band of Norristown, Pa., Lodge is winning a name for itself in the community, having taken part in a number of public events. Muncie, Ind., Lodge reports a net profit of $2,200 from its "Frolics" show. Great preparations have been made by Frank fort, Ky., Lodge for its Elks Picnic to be held on July 4. Brookline, Mass., Lodge has organized an excellent orchestra. Rutherford, N. J., Lodge gave whole-hearted support to the recent Home Service Drive of the Salvation Army. The Annual Stag Frolic and Revue produced by Sullivan, Ind., Lodge was given for the benefit of Sullivan Post of the American Legion. The Boy Scout troop fostered by Albuquerque, N. Mex., Lodge now has eighteen members. The formation of a fife and drum crops is planned as soon as the troop has the required number. Renovo, Pa., Lodge has purchased^ a site adjoining its present holdings on which it plans to erect a handsome new Home. Grafton, W. Va., Lodge celebrated its twenty- ninth anniversary with a fine program which included the initiation of a large class of candidates. The entertainment committee of Winthrop, Mass., Lodge recently staged a "Battle of Music" at which an excellent concert was provided by the Boston College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology orchestras. Everett, Wash., Lodge recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. More than 400 were present, and many of the old timers asserted it was one of the biggest nights in their recollections of the Lodge. Lockport, N. Y., Lodge recently burned the mortgage on its Home. A fine entertainment was given the many distinguished guests. Pittsburg, Calif., Lodge is interesting itself in a troop of Boy Scouts. The success of the first May Ball given by Pottstown, Pa., Lodge insures its annual repetition. Berwick, Pa., Lodge has an excellent ball team in the field which it has equipped with uniforms. The team not only plays in the city league but has games on its schedule with teams of other Lodges in nearby cities. Natick, Mass., Lodge has dedicated a new memorial tablet iii its Lodge room. Casper, Wyo., Lodge conducted a most successful "Frolic," the profits of which went into a fund to purchase furniture for its Home. Lansford, Pa., Lodge celebrated its eighth anniversary' by burning the mortgage on its Home. ilany distinguished members of the Order and representatives from Lodges throughout the State joined in honoring George L. Hirtzel, Jr., President of the New Jersey State Elks Association, at the testimonial dinner given to him at the Home of Elizabeth, N. J., Lodge. Charleroi, Pa., Lodge is considering the idea of sponsoring a Boy Scout troop. Over 87,000 was realized by Toledo, Ohio, Lodge from its annual carnival. Recently a class of 75 candidates was initiated into Stockton, Calif., Lodge—the largest in its history. Two thousand members and a new Home by 1925 is the goal set by the Lodge. Some of the best music heard by the public in years was rendered by the band of Wilkinsburg. Pa., Lodge at its open air concert. North Adams, Mass., Lodge recently celebrated its silver anniversary. A unique feature of the occasion, was the fact that all the original officers once more occupied their chairs. The Quartette of Buffalo, N. Y., Lodge recently broadcast a concert from the Hotel Statler. The famous children's dancing class of Braddock, Pa., Lodge presented its annual "Juvenile Follies" before large and enthusiastic audiences. Oak Park, 111., Lodge recently gave a dance to raise funds for an outing for the poor and crippled children within its Jurisdiction. Richmond, Calif., Lodge recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of the dedication of its Home. During the past Lodge year Elizabeth, N. J., Lodge expended over $26,000 for charity. "Melodyland," produced by the members of North Platte, Neb., Lodge, was well received by large audiences. In the recent Boy Scout Drive, San Luis Obispo, Calif., Lodge made a substantial donation and publicly endorsed the great movement. A radio night was recently enjoyed by the members of Quincy, Mass., Lodge. Bronx, N. Y., Lodge took an active part in the Borough Day celebration. Hempstead, N. Y., Lodge, which was recently instituted, has already made plans for owning a Home. It is considering the purchase of the August Belmont former residence property at a price near $75,000 for the purpose. Members of Chisholm, Minn., Lodge and their sons gathered in the new high school recently and held a Father and Son banquet. The erection of a new Home is on the program of East Stroudsburg, Pa., Lodge. Jersey City, N. J., Lodge, cooperating with other organizations of the city, is taking steps toward the formation of boys' clubs in various parts of the city. The Social and Community Welfare Committee of New York Lodge No. 1 has perfected plans for the Children's Outing for which a day next August has been set aside. It has also under consideration other phases of welfare service. Chelsea, Mass., Lodge took a prominent part in the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the city. Chester, Pa., Lodge raised a substantial sum by its production "Brite Bits of 1924" which will be donated to the entertainment of the city's children this summer. Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge is making great preparations for its annual Clam. Bake on July 27. Games and athletic contests of all kinds will be features of the outing. Queens Borough, N. Y., Lodge gave the children of the Queens County orphanage a fine outing at Dexter Park, Woodhaven, L. I. The band of Tacoma, Wash., Lodge recently ga\e a concert for the prisoners at McNeils Island Penitentiary. Fargo, N. Dak., Lodge mourns the death of D. E. Wingate, who was perhaps the oldest member in the Order. Mr. Wingate was initiated into Fargo Lodge at the age of 95 and was 98 when he died. Until his fatal illness he attended meetings regularly and visited the Home frequently. Memphis, Tenn., Lodge staged a most successful circus. Charleroi, Pa., Lodge has appointed a committee to inaugurate a movement toward the purchase of the local Baseball Grounds and to establish in this way a permanent Community Athletic Field. New Orleans, La., Lodge has under way a billiard and pool tournament. Many attractive prizes have been offered. More than 600 attended and enjoyed the Annual Stag and Homecoming held by Red Wing, Minn., Lodge. Lansford, Pa., Lodge celebrated its eighth birthday. Many distinguished members of the Order were present to congratulate the Lodge on its growth. A real day of sport was recently conducted by Yakima, Wash., Lodge for the benefit of the city's children. More than 4,000 youngsters and their parents were invited to the event. Bend, Ore., Lodge recently conducted a successful Elks circus. Portland, Ore., Lodge presented Kelso, Wash., Lodge with a beautiful elk's head and antlers on the occasion of its institution recently. William E. Washburn has served as tiler of Muskegon, Mich., Lodge for twenty-nine years. Four years ago, upon the completion of twenty five years' service in that office, he was presented by the Lodge with an Honorary Life Membership and a gold card case. Officers of the Washington State Elks Association recently visited Olympia, Wash., Lodge and District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Walter F. Meier presented Martin Gottfelt with a Past President's jewel on behalf of the Association. Trenton, Tenn., Lodge gave its first annual charity minstrels at the Peabody High School. The proceeds went into the Lodge's charity fund. Plans are being made for the sixth annual "Elkpat" celebration under the auspices of Biloxi, Miss., Lodge on July Fourth for the benefit of the Biloxi City Hospital. Charley Wegner, who is now serving his twenty-fifth term as Secretary of Great Falls, Mont., Lodge, was recently given a dinner by the members as a testimonial of the esteem m which he is held. Longmont. Colo., Lodge is considering the idea of building a new Home on the property which it recently acquired. White Plains, N. Y., Lodge claims the distinction of being the only Elk Lodge having four members of one family as Life Members, the father, Edward Brady and his three sons, Thomas, Joseph and Frank. Frank Brady, the youngest son, was formerly with the American League as catcher for the Cleveland team. Members of the Minstrel Troupe of Pawtucket, R. I., Lodge recently entertained the patients of the Wallum Lake Hospital. Circleville, Ohio, Lodge recently dedicated its new Home. Pottstown, Pa., Lodge is making plans for the enlargement of its library. The band of Jersey City, N. J., Lodge recently won two handsome loving cups—prizes for its performances in the Boys' Day Parade and at the Lion's Club Dance. Woburn, Mass., Lodge recently instituted a class of seven G. A. R. veterans. The ceremony, conducted by Exalted Ruler Charles H. Cosgrove, was extremely impressive. The ages of the new members range from 79 to 88 years.

More News from July, 1924