It happened on September 11, 2001,
Early in the morn with a brightly shining sun.
Ordinary people just starting out their day.
Little did they know, it would all turn grey.
When hatred and evilness came
Out of the clear blue sky,
And brought death and destruction
To the U.S.A. and we don't know why?
Buildings burned and crumpled,
And people buried alive.
The rest of us watched and stumbled,
But somehow we survive!
Our heroes came from everywhere,
Despite their fear and grief,
They came to help, to do repair,
But what they found was beyond belief!
The terror that happened, we'll never forget,
By people that despise us, and have no regret.
Who are these fanatics who malign us so?
It what we American would like to know.
For so many people still come Seeking to be free,
Just look all around us, And you will see! You woke a sleeping giant,
To that we will attest,
But somehow in adversity
It brings out our very best. For we Americans are though,
And proud and brave,
And in unity we stant taller
As our flag continues to wave! And so long as even one of us Is still alive,
Always remembers - - America Will Survive!
By Lucy Jack