I am so grateful to all of the lodge members involved in the compilation of the Centennial Anniversary 1901-2001 yearbook. It made this job so much easier as I was able to simply transfer the information from the yearbook onto this web page.
I would like to start with a segment of the yearbook whereby Charles McCall, P.D.D.G.E.R. addressed the Emblem Club No. 399. He wrote:
"The Riverside Lodge will be forever thankful for the help this group has given so willing to our success. They have contributed to the charity fund, provided food on many occasions, participated in the Amblyopia Program, refurbished many parts of the Lodge and played a big part in making our many programs a success.
This will be the third time that I have participated in the recording of our lodge history. First in our 65th year, again in our 75th year, and now in our 100th year. P.E.R. Leon Heseman compiled our 50th year. It has been a necessary activity to record our past history. Future generations must be aware that it is an utmost duty to collect the activities that occur each year.
To let years go by before gathering our information and then trying to catch up is a formable undertaking. The first One Hundred years has proved that Riverside Lodge #643 is capable of doing many wonderful things for the betterment of mankind. As a member of over fifty years, I believe that our Major Project was the one most important instruments that has elevated Elkdom to a standard everyone in California can be very proud. It shows what can be accomplished when many concentrate on one goal. We have helped a great many people that are/were less fortunate than ourselves.
May the spirit that has carried us to this point, be continued for many future years."
Charles (Sam) McCall P.D.D.G.E.R.
Charles McCall, P.D.D.G.E.R., says it all so well, we do need to continually maintain a record of our history. With the advent of computers, and access to our web page, all of us can help in easily maintaining a living record of the history of our lodge.
Thank You!
Paul Arnold