Recruit, Retain, Repeat
You recruited a new donor. The next step is to get this donor to give again. Easier said than done! Lodge ENF Fundraising Chairs Carolyn Coburn of Auburn Opelika, Ala., Lodge No. 1834 and Earl Schellman of Annapolis, Md., Lodge No. 622 share their top five tips on retaining donors.

1. Keep members up-to-date on the ENF.

“Remind members of the ENF at every meeting and in your monthly newsletter,” says Schellman.

ENF Resource: News to Use

2. Show members their donations in action.

“I discuss Community Investments Program grants and how we can better serve our community by receiving them,” says Coburn. “ENF scholarships have always been a major topic in my discussions, as well as youth and veterans.”
“I talk about all the good that is done through ENF programs—especially for veterans and scholarships—and the great return that we receive on our contributions,” says Schellman.

ENF Resource: ENF In Your State

3. Don't be afraid to solicit donations.

“I solicit donations by writing a paragraph in my letters to the membership, including an article in our monthly newsletter, and verbally asking members,” says Coburn.

ENF Resource: Fundraising Resource Webpage

4. Recognize donors to encourage them to give again.

“I contact the recipient, and request their preference as to where and when they would like to have the presentation held—at a meeting, dinner, Lodge event, and more,” says Schellman

ENF Resource: Celebrating the Recognizing ENF Successes Webinar

5. Use ENF reports and materials to stay updated on donors.

“I review ENF donor reports on the web,” says Coburn, “I also have created my own donor spreadsheet I often review.”

ENF Resource: Lodge Chair Only Reports

Don’t let new donors fall by the wayside! Use these tips and refer to the New Donor Retention Report to help your Lodge retain donors year after year.

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