New Year, New Opportunities
Hello Elks Scholars!

My name is Maryann Slater and I am the Senior Representative and President of the Elks Scholar Advisory Board. I’m a senior at Rutgers University and I’m a double major in Spanish and Communication.

Whether you have been working, traveling, interning, or relaxing, it’s all about to change as we head into another school year. If you’re going to college for the first time, you’ll be meeting a lot of new people, but you likely already have a group of people at your school that are a part of your Elks family!

If you’re headed back to campus and you haven’t connected with your Elks family yet, what are you waiting for?!

It’s so easy to create another network of friends on campus with your fellow Elks scholars. Not sure how to connect with other Elks scholars on your campus? Here’s a list of just some of the opportunities you can take advantage of!

You can:

  • Become your Campus Point Person and organize Elks scholars on your campus—a great leadership opportunity for your resume! Email for the names and contact info of the Elks scholars at your school. Host a Meet Up on campus—you can get reimbursed up to $10 per person by the ENF, so bring snacks!

  • Speak at a local Elks Lodge near school or in your hometown.

  • Get together with Elks scholars and do service on or near campus.

  • Volunteer at a local Hoop Shoot! Want more info? Visit

  • If you want more information concerning any of these opportunities email

If I can give you one piece of advice as you enter this school year, it would be to try something new. I know you’ve probably heard others say this as well, but I can’t believe how fast my time at college is going by. The more you start seizing all of the opportunities around you the more you will learn about yourself—what you like, what you don’t like and where you can see yourself headed after college. So why not start off by meeting your fellow Elks scholars on campus as you jump into a new year?

Sending all my best wishes as we head into the 2014-2015 school year!


Maryann Slater

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