Our lodge observed Patriotism Day on Saturday, September 12, 2009 by honoring not only those who perished on 9/11 but also the armed forces of our community and their families who are currently serving or who have served us so proudly in the current conflict. Exalted Ruler Barbara (2009-2010) began the service by recounting the events that unfolded that day while each officer lit a candle as the site was remembered. The candles on the altar were to be representative of the twin towers and the sites that were struck during that horrific attack in 2001. Officers pictured from left to right are Chaplain Celeste Ginder; Inner Guard Art Sabino, Sr. PER; Trustee Peter Smith, PVP; Exalted Ruler Barbara; Esteemed Loyal Knight Dan Uken, PER; Esquire Irene Polanco; Secretary Robert Eckenstein, PER; Tiler Cynthia Freund. PVP Peter Smith honored the service people by presenting acrylic stars to those who have or are serving from our community. One of our own members lost a loved one during the current conflict and the family was present. This loss hit the community with a blow and made the war personal to us. The service was well attended by the members, community, town council and fire fighters. The fire department brought a truck with them and sounded the horn 3 times during our moment of remembrance. We thank all who attended, the officers who participated and more importantly extend our gratitude to those who are serving and sympathy to those we have lost.