ELEVEN O'CLOCK TOAST You have heard the tolling of 11 strokes. This is to remind you that with us the hour of 11 has a tender significance. Wherever Elks may roam, whatever their lot in life may be, when this hour falls upon the dial of night, the great heart of Elkdom swells and throbs. It is the golden hour of recollection, the homecoming of those who wander, the mystic roll call of those who will come no more. Living or dead, Elks are never forgotten, never forsaken. Morning and noon may pass them by, the light of day sink heedlessly in the West, but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message, "To our absent members."
Almighty God, unto Thy love and mercy we commend the soul of our Member. May light perpetual shine upon him/her, until the morning breaks and the shadows flee away. May we realize that we are Thy children, and may we so live that when our day is done, we may face the eternal change that comes to us all in faith and confidence through Thy redeeming grace and power. May the peace of God which passeth all understanding abide with us forevermore. Amen.
Carl Abbruzzese
John Abbott
Peter Acckerman
Michael Adams
Richard Adams
Thomas Adams
Edward Anderson
Al Austin
Thomas Baker - 2023
Louis Baldasarre
Frank Barone
Albert Barylsky
Joseph Bassett
Gene Bataille, Sr.
Walter Beyer, Sr. PER
Stanley Bielesky
Walter Boczon - 2023
Joseph Borgese
Ronald Bori
Ralph Bossert
Waldo Bowman
Thomas Boyle, Sr.
George Brain
Kenneth Britt
John Bumback
Michael Bumback
Louis Bundschuk
Richard Burns, PER
Dale Butler, PER
Richard T. Byrne
Francis Cannon
Edward Carew
William Carlson
James Caulfield
Joseph Chobhotor
John Clausen
Michael Cleary
John Cockburn
James Conroy
Anthony Coppola
Frank Coppola
Joseph Coppola
James Corrigan
Charles Corsentino
Vincent Corsentino
Philip Cortese, Jr.
John Cotone
David Coyle
Louise Cuccinello
Angelo Deandrea
John DeCarlo
Louis DeFillipo, PER
Charles P. Delayo, Sr.
John Demcko
William Denitizo
John A. Derr
William Desabato
Frank Dicellis
William Diercks
Francis Dilley
Russell Dilley
Russell A. Dilley
Dominic DiNardo
Lindley J. Drake
Mike Dube
Richard Dubiel
Carmen Duva
Edward Dyki
William Easton
Peter Eckel
Antoinette Eckenstein
Robert Eckenstein, PER
Sal Esposito, Sr.
Albert Fantazir
Gery Fantazir, PER
Peggy Ferrick
William Fiabane
Anthony Fittipaldi
William Formica
John Forsythe
Buddy Frederickson
Melissa Frink
William Frink
James Fulton
Steve Gajarsky
Patrick Gallagher
Arnold Gardner
Tim Gartland
John George
Paul Ginder
Anthony Giubilo
Paul Glowatsky
Frank Gonzalez, Sr.
Wilbur Goodwin
Thomas Graham
John Grambor
Jack Gransky
Kenneth Gustafson, PER
William Hamaydi
William Hamilton
James Hanlon, PDDGER
William Harrah
Charles Haus
Fred Hermanns
Frederick Heyeck, PER
Russell Higgins
Robert Hill
Robert Horn
Robert Huggan
Emery Hunt
Richard Hunt
Herbert Hunterdon
Walter Hurst
Ronald Hutchinson
Joseph Janin
Henry Janus
Robert Jones
John Kane, Jr.
Martin Katarsky
John Keiderling
Jack King
Herbert Kirsch
Steve Klastava
Richard Kline
Karl Kolar
John Kormendy, PER (#1)
Walter Kula
Joseph Lemmo
Nicholas Lemmo
Robert Leon
Millard Lepley
Frank Licato
Wernfried Lissy
Matthew Llabres
Herbert Logan
Briggs Longbothum, PER
Robert Lundquist
Earle Magel
Thomas Malinowski
John A. Mason, PER
John Mastrious, Jr.
Harry Matson
Edward Mattingly
Ronald Mazin
John Mazzeo
Robert McAllister
Dennis McCabe
Thomas McCauley
Edward McKimm
Francis McRae
William Meeker
Leonard Melillo, PER
Ronald Merrick
Walter Meth
Walter Miller
Joseph Mondoro, Sr.
Louis Monteferrente
Joseph Muglia
John A. Muller, PER - 2023
John O. Muller
James Mullins
Nicholas Myers
Joseph Nagy
Anthony Naples
Ferdinand Napoliello, PER
Jim Nolan
Roy Niles
Frank O’Chab
Dominick Pace
Joseph Paladino
William Pallister
Gaetano Panzarella
Anthony Pellegrino
James Pellegrino
John Pendilino
Michael Perette
Frederick Perrine
Kathryn Perusse
Charles Petriello
Walter Phillips
Harry Place
William Powell
Daniel Radacoy
Steve Raynack
Joseph Riccadonna
Joseph Riccardi
Charles Roeser
Walter Rowe
C. Edward Rowbothan
Albert Russell
Arthur Sabino, Sr, PER
George Sabino, PER
Michael Sabino
Joseph Sacco
John Saloman
Andy Santonastasio
Jack Sauer
Paul Scalera
Walter Scarloss
Dominic Scarpati
Edward Schneller
George Sekol
John Shaw
John Shuleski
James Silvia
Ernest Sisko
Richard Slack, PER
Anthony Soletto
Angelo Soriano
Albert Stark
Peter Stec
Carl Steindel
Fred Stranzenback, Jr.
Fred Strehl
Thomas Sullivan
Donald Swank
Geno Tamponi
John Tapscott
Frank Teel
Sidney Tenney
Joseph Tesauro
Anthony Thomas
Richard Trexler
Eileen Uken - 2023
William Weaver - 2023
John Widman
Louis Wierdo
Harry Willis
John M. Wilson
Robert Windell
Edward Wood
Ralph Wyckoff
Thomas Wyckoff - 2023
Andrew Zahuta
Henry Zielinski