Plan a Charitable Project

It's Time to Get Planning!

Now that you've identified a community need, it's time to plan a charitable project to address it. You've already answered the who and why—these next bullet points will help you answer the what, where, when and how.

  • When planning your project, always keep in mind the basic CIP grant guidelines. Find a helpful, concise summary here.

  • Communicate with the membership. Some Lodge members may have connections that can broaden the support you offer, and it’s important that your Lodge members feel invested in and part of the project. Many members are likely just waiting to be asked to participant, so make sure you spread the word!

  • Connect with partner organizations. The involvement of local nonprofits, schools, and churches ensures you are helping those most in need.

  • Consider national events that your Lodge could participate in. For example, on Veterans Day, your Lodge could host a health fair for veterans living in households below the poverty line. Consider well-known events as well as lesser-known national awareness days, weeks and months. Find some national holidays here!

  • Budget! All grant applications should have a fully fleshed-out budget. Be sure you plan to use the full amount you’re eligible for—all grant funds should be put to use in your community. Also make sure you have access to receipts for all purchases made with grant funds, as they will need to be attached to the Final Report.

  • Need some project ideas? Check out these 20 project plans that:

    Serve youth.

    Serve veterans.

    Serve individuals with insufficient resources.

    Combat food insecurity.

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