Dennis Youngs
We are proud to announce Dennis Youngs as one of our 2020 Gunther and Lee Weigel Medical School Scholarship recipients!

Dennis' application showed immense dedication to learning how to care for his patients, both physically and emotionally.

The following is one of our favorite passages from Dennis' application.

"When I am a surgeon, I want to make sure I do two things very well. I want to have the strongest grasp of the medical and scientific knowledge relevant to my field and I want to be a “small-town” clinician. By small town clinician I am not referring to the size of the city I am working in, rather I am referring to how I will act as a doctor. I have no interest in being a researcher in a lab, I want to be the provider that patients can trust and talk to when they are in need. I want every patient to feel respected and cared for when they meet with me."

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