Exalted Ruler - Vicky May ..... Leading Knight - Brandon Walker ..... Loyal Knight - Dana Fuller ..... Lecturing Knight - Joe Sommers PER ..... Lodge Secretary - Cindy Shepherd ..... Lodge Five Year Trustee - Dan Watson
Members Please plan to attend! - 2024-2025 HOUSE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ...Bob Ford PER...James Fulks PER ...Joe Sommers PER. ..Barry Barger ...Bob Braun
2024-2025 LODGE TRUSTEES: ...One Year Trustee - Dan Watson ...Two Year Trustee - Joe Sommers PER ...Three Year Trustee - Bob Weekly ...Four Year Trustee - Gil Brandenburg ...Five Year Trustee - Dennis Linn
"ALL YOU CAN EAT" BREAKFAST BUFFET - Serving 8:00-10:00 AM - Eat In or Carry Out - Come Join Us!
The March Drawing will be for the full amount of numbers currently held or sold by then.
CALL for THURSDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS - Fish Sandwich, Crispy Chicken, Breaded Tenderloin, and Cheeseburger....ALL with your choice of French Fries, Onion Rings and more while supplies last! Give Us a CALL for Great Food (765) 768-6134
Letter from Stu & Sandy Cowgill and Bob & Jennifer Braun
The ENF Foundation Charity Benefit Auction raised over $1,850.00. It was a very good evening at The Dunkirk Elks Lodge !!
Events of November 9th and Weekly Drawing Winner & Monthly Drawing Winner....
In Memory of 1984 deceased Class Members
CALL: Elks Lodge Phone # (765) 768-6134 for Information
Click above for a few pictures and information:
Click above for Pictures!
Click above for Information.
$10.00 per Person, Children under 5 Free - Tasters will be the Judges - Click Above for more information!
Local Charities: Redkey Junior League, Albany Food Bank, Dunkirk Food Bank and Jay County Special Olympics
Click above for information and photos --
Awards Night for Officers held at 5:30 PM - Click above for Pictures and Information!
Installation of Officers at the Dunkirk Elks Lodge BPOE #1776 for the upcoming Elks Membership Year was held Thursday evening, March 16th, 2023 - Click Above for picture & more information!
Click Above - Tour Professional Bowlers came to Crown City Lanes in Dunkirk to hold an instructional clinic for our local youth.
The mention of The Dunkirk Elks Lodge is in the Elks Care, Elks Share, Lodge News section of the magazine.
A cheque for $200.00 was presented to Crown City Lanes.
Thank You to All who joined us! Here's the Check Presentation.
Click above to view Photos -- Proving once again that ELKS CARE~ELKS SHARE
Dunkirk Elks Lodge Bridal Supplement is attached .... Click Above!
Great time, 9 kids and lots of parents.
Welcome District Deputy Visitation and meet Brandan Caudille DDGER
Letter and Photos provided by PER James Fulks
Total raised was actually $1,450.00. Thank You to all who supported this event!
'BEST SOUP' COOK-OFF Winner: Jimmy and Joyce Hillegass's - Seafood Bisque - Winning Prize: 2 Tuesday Meal Vouchers - Karaoke DJ: STEVE NORMAN
Click Above: THANK YOU to All Elks
Click Above: THANK YOU to All Elks for thinking of our Special Athletes.
Click above...
Click on heading above for Picture...
Special Thanks to Past Exalted Ruler Bob Ford and his lovely wife Tammy for the work around the flagpole and front Memorial Walkway at The Lodge!!
Installation of Lodge Officers for 2022-2023 was held at Dunkirk BPOE 1776 on Saint Patrick's Day March 17th, 2022... The installation was conducted by Steve Fennig, Past DDGER. Click above for Photo of the newly installed Lodge Officers.
STORY UPDATE: Jay County Softball Team ... Click above to check out the picture of the new shed at the softball field! - posted May 20, 2022 -Thank you so much to Jeff and Carla Pogue for their very generous donation.-Thank you to the Dunkirk Elks who helped us raise money at a benefit breakfast they put on for the softball team.-Thank you to Brooks Fugiett who helped us out so much with ordering the shed adding in some extras for us.... BENEFIT BREAKFAST for JAY COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM was held Saturday FEBRUARY 19th 2022... Dunkirk Elks Lodge BPOE 1776 Charity Benefit Breakfast Check Presentation of $1,050.00 donated to The Jay County High School Patriots Girls Softball Team. Thanks to all who helped and to all who donated, and supported this charity benefit breakfast...
Click Above for PICTURES!!The Jolly Olde Elf at The Jolly Cork Lounge... Shared images from the Children's Christmas Party held on Saturday December 4th, 2021 at The Dunkirk Elks Lodge B.P.O.E. 1776 -- Photos provided by James Fulks, Sunday December 5th, 2021.
Click on header above for story ... Every Elks Lodge I've ever been in has a board similar to this... This is our Memorial Board to our departed members... After our closure in 2020 for the Covid related shutdown, when we reopened the Lodge, the name board needed 16 names added to it... The plates cost right at 139.00 per name to update this board...Thanks to a VERY generous donation from Lodge Member Patte Bly Bishop, we are now able to update our Memorial Board... THANK YOU PATTE!!!...On Sunday DECEMBER 5th - Our annual Memorial Service was held at 2:00 P.M. to Honor All of our Absent Members Lost this Year... Elks are never forgotten, nor forsaken.
Click Above ...Hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM -AND- Saturday's 4:00 to 9:00 PM...COME for TUESDAY DINNER MEALS from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM ...
Need Bags of Ice - Stop in the Elks 1776 and buy some for the Memorial Weekend - 10 lb. Bag $1.50.
- Click Above -