Huntsville, AL 1648

Huntsville, AL Lodge No. 1648

Welcome to 
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Lodge No. 1648 Huntsville, Alabama 


Check our Face Book for our
Lodge and Club hours
or call 256-539-4093.


 Huntsville is home of Redstone Arsenal and George C. Marshall National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


We welcome you to our Lodge.

Patrick D. Mickle, Exalted Ruler, Elks Lodge 1648, 2024-2025

Lodge Meetings - All Elks are welcome to our meetings!

The Lodge meets every second and fourth Tuesday at 7:00 PM, except in the months of July and August, the meetings are the fourth Tuesday only and in December may vary with the holiday season. We are located at 725 Franklin Street three blocks south of the Madison County Courthouse.

Look for the large, lighted AMERICAN FLAG - We fly it proudly!


Our Calendar is in our Newsletter

Huntsville Elks Club

Contact Us

Famous Elks

Lodge 1648 on Face Book!

First Meeting of the Twenty-First Century!

Good of the Order

Guest Book

City of Huntsville, Alabama!

Life Members

Lodge Location - Directions

Memorial List of Departed Members


Lodge Officers

Social Media Guidelines

Huntsville Elks Who Are Vets

H O M E    P A G E



The Elk's Creed

"Believe in the goodness in thyself as well as others.

Protect childhood with tenderness,
Old age with respect,
Cherish with reverence the memory of those who
have passed.

Observe faithfully the Golden Rule.

Enjoy the good things of earth. Keep within thee the
Glorious Sunshine of youth and remain always of
good cheer."



Historic 21 Century
Members attending our first lodge meeting of the 21st century in Huntsville signed a roster during the January 9th 2001 meeting.  We submit we are the only lodge in the USA to have such a document!   (See and click on "Historic Event.")


Directions to our Lodge

The GPS address is:
725 Franklin Street
Huntsville, Alabama 35801


Huntsville Elks Lodge No. 1648 is working to become the best Lodge in America!



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