We Now Have Regular Hours!
Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Food 4-6 PM, Bar Bingo at 5:00 PM
Wednesday 2:00 - 4:30 PM Bocce 6:00 PM May - September
Thursday 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM Dancing with Perfect Harmony 6:00-8:30 PM
Pool & Poker 6:30 PM
Friday: 2 PM - 10 PM Dinner 5-6 PM (no reservations required)
Dance at 6:00 PM (See calendar for Band Info)
Saturday: 5:00 PM - Call First 303-238-1307
Public Bingo every Wednesday & Friday at 11:00 AM
Other special events per the calendar
For further details & events visit LakewoodElks.com
Questions? Call the Office from 9am to 1pm, Mon, Tues, Thur. & Fri. for more information, 303-238-1307.
The Office is closed Wednesday and Weekends
Interested in Membership in the Elks? Please contact the office or any Elk Member about joining us.