Newport Harbor, CA 1767

Newport Harbor ELKS Media

The Newport Harbor Elks lodge maintains an extensive library of photographs taken at most lodge and many district events over the past several years. Recently, the Photo Committee (PhotoCom) opted to host all of our new photo albums on our associated Facebook page due to the increasing popularity and ease-of-use of social media websites.

Photo albums on Facebook allow our members to “tag” their friends in the photos, who are then notified that they have been tagged… as are their friends and family. They, in turn, then view the photos and tag others they know… and in short order several thousand people, members and non-members, have viewed the photos and see for themsleves the fun we have while serving our community and supporting our charities.  In effect, it is invaluable advertising that costs nothing but a bit of time & effort. Such a deal!!

We are still in the process of moving our older photo albums to ouFacebook site and hope to have that process completed in the near future.

From time to time, the Photo Committee creates videos from the photographs of our more popular or meaniful events.  These are generally animated slides set to music and presented in fashion intended to evoke a response; either fun or emotional.

Creating these videos is time consuming so we have not been able to create them for all events.  However, those created thus far over the past years are presented below:

Newport Harbor ELKS Videos