MVS Named Scholarship Program:
Donor Enrollment Form

There’s no better way to connect Elks scholars with the Elks family than by pairing them with a generous ENF donor like you. To enroll, please complete the form below and click Send at the bottom. Once enrolled, you will start your pledge with a donation today. If you prefer to enroll by mail, please use the printable version and mail it to the ENF office with your donation.

  • Enroll to name one MVS runner-up scholarship in your own namesake or in honor or memory of someone you wish to commemorate.

  • Enhance an Elks scholar’s experience of his or her Elks family by connecting with him or her personally over four years. (Remember: Your participation in the MVS Named Scholarship Program does not affect the monetary value of this Elks scholar’s scholarship.)

  • Donate $4,000 over four years to the ENF’s Scholarship Fund.

Click here to view the class of 2021 Most Valuable Student scholarship recipients.

For more information about this program, click here.

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You’re enrolled!

Thank you for encouraging an Elks scholar within the Elks family by naming a Most Valuable Student scholarship!

The ENF will pair you with one Elks scholar from the most recent class of MVS winners. Please expect notification of your match within the coming weeks.

Next Step: Begin your $4,000 pledge today with an online donation to the ENF Scholarship Fund. Click here to donate now. Or, if you prefer to send a donation by mail, you may use the printable donation form and mail it to the ENF office.

Questions? Contact ENF Fundraising or 773/755-4762.

Donor Information

Scholarship Information

Yes No Preference Other State


Validation Code: 694

**The validation code is a unique generated number that makes sure a person is performing the requested action.**

By enrolling in the MVS Named Scholarship Program, I pledge to donate a total of $4,000 within four years toward the ENF Scholarship Fund with the opportunity to name one MVS scholarship and connect with a 2024 Most Valuable Student Scholarship recipient. I understand this donation to the ENF Scholarship Fund does not increase the monetary value of the student's scholarship.

I agree to enroll.