Oakmont, PA 1668

Lodge Facilities

Banquet & Party Facilities

The Oakmont Elks dates back to times of the fourties ( 1945 to be exact ) just at the end of WW2. It was a time of  scrimping, saving and rationing by all Americans and their organizations. In spite of this hardship, the Lodge persevered with contributions to the war effort but also to its chariatible mission. During these first few years the activities were held in a New Kensington location but then was able to find a permanent residence in Oakmont where we are today. The building occupied was the former mansion of the Best family who owned and operated the Best Manufacturing Co., later to become the Riverview Steel Works in Oakmont. The Lodge was modified and grew in size to accomodate a growing membership that needed facilities for expanded charitable gatherings. Today, one will see a blending of the older with the newer additions and get the feel of Elks working with passion to fulfill their obligations. To see more of the Lodge and its facilities for holding events such as anniversary and birthday parties, wedding receptions, and celebrations of all kinds. contact any member or call 412-828-1668 to schedule a visit with the Banquet Manager.

Pool Room,

Pool Room

Enjoy an evening of pool, a game of darts, or just relax and enjoy a movie in our newly remodeled Pool Room!


 Central Right ( Seats 175, 40 ft W x 80 ft L )


Center View ( Seats 175, 40 ft W x 80 ft L )

McGinley Room

McGinley Room

Members Lounge

Members Lounge

Members Lounge

Ballroom Refreshments Bar