St. Louis, MO 0009

Lodge Facilities


Open to Elks members, family and guests.

WiFi available at the lounge - Elks is the ID and "elkslodge" is the passphrase.

Patio by the Pool

Patio Rental: (East/South) = $125. Pool passes are $5 each swimmer. For every 20 swimmers/guest passes additional life guards must be scheduled at $15 per hour.  Each area of the lodge is separate rental.

A beautiful lattice covered patio adjacent to the pool area loaded with patio tables and chairs for your relaxing enjoyment. May be rented for private parties!!!

WiFi available at the lodge - Elks is the ID and "elkslodge" is the passphrase.

Salt Water Swimming Pool

Much better than chlorine pools!

Open Memorial Day through Labor Day for Elks members, their family, and guests.  See Pool & Swim Team links on the left side of this page for more information.

We have a GREAT Pool Membership option for other members of Missouri Metro District Elks Lodges.

Pool House Phone: 314.205.1970.

Sand Volleyball Courts

Lodge St Louis Elks #9 features West County’s best sand volleyball complex. Our courts are conveniently located on Ladue Road just west of Hwy. 270 at 12481 Ladue Road.  We have two sand courts featuring “Florida White Sand”.  Our complex also features a pavilion, refreshment area, and a great saltwater swimming pool (separate membership required).  

Whether you are looking to play volleyball, meet new friends or just relax and watch the action, our complex is the place to be. To sign up go to 

Picnic Area

Have your family reunion or company picnic at the Lodge at our covered picnic area with brick grills! Contact the Lodge for details at 314.434.5650.

Function Hall

Lodge #9 Office
(314) 434-5650

If you would like to rent the hall for a private event, click here.
(You must download and open in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader for full functionality)

Completing the above form begins the process. All rental requests are subject to approval by the lodge and a written, signed agreement. Please review and understand the banquet policies outlined below.


Hall Rental Fee (4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.):        
$500 – 1-100 guests
$600 – 101-200 guests

Hall Rental Fee (11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.):        
$250 – 1-100 guests
$350 – 101-200 guests

$150 – Cleaning Fee

Morning rentals are available in some instances. Please inquire with a booking representative with any questions.


4-Hour Open Bar Packages ($150 bartender fee):
$17/person Beer, Wine, and Soda Bar
$20/person Call Bar
$25/person Premium Bar

5-Hour Open Bar Packages ($175 bartender fee):
$20/person Beer, Wine, and Soda Bar
$25/person Call Bar
$30/person Premium Bar

4-Hour Host Bar:
$150 bartender fee
Host pays bar tab for entire event

4-Hour Cash Bar:
$150 bartender fee
Guests pay for their own drinks during the event

In lieu of a tip jar, all bar packages incur a 20% service charge, which will be paid to the bartender as gratuity.


Monday through Friday, between the hours of 11:00a and 4:00p, The Lodge will waive the hall rental fee for any member in good standing in observance of the passing of a Lodge #9 Elk or a member of their immediate family, to be defined as their:

·         Spouse
·         Parent
·         Spouse’s parent
·         Child
·         Sibling

All other banquet fees apply. Regular pricing applies during all other days and times. Regular pricing also applies for Celebrations of Life in honor of those other than #9 Elks or their immediate family, as well.


  • All events must be approved on the house floor during a regular lodge meeting.
  • Only an Elk in good standing will be permitted to rent the hall.
  • A $200 deposit is required to confirm and hold the date of the event. The date will only be held upon receipt of said deposit.
  • The remainder of the hall rental fee is due in full 30 days prior to event date.


  • The $200 deposit is refundable until 30 days prior to the event.
  • Failure to pay the hall rental fee in full 30 days prior to the date of the event may result in loss of deposit and cancellation of event.
  • Final payment for bartender and cleaning fees will be due at the conclusion of the event.


  • The lodge does not have a kitchen and does not provide catering services. Renter may hire the caterer of their choice provided they comply with lodge insurance requirements.
  • No outside alcoholic beverages may be consumed on Lodge premises unless proper corkage fees and protocol are followed. Please contact your booking representative for more information if necessary.
  • The lodge will not provide any plates, cutlery, napkins, or paper towels to caterers. Caterers need to provide these items along with the food.
  • All outside vendors are required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance which lists St. Louis Elks Lodge #9 as an additional insured.
  • Final guest count must be determined 10 days prior to event.
  • Bands and other forms of entertainment must be approved by a rental representative.


  • Decorations are permitted so long as no damage is done to the lodge property. No nails, hooks, or tape is to be used on the walls, windows, or ceiling.
  • No glitter, confetti, rice, birdseed, etc. is permitted to be used on premises.
  • Renter must remove all decorations at the conclusion of the event unless prior arrangements have been made.


  • In accordance with Grand Lodge guidelines, the renter is responsible for their guests’ conduct on Lodge premises.
  • The renter/sponsoring Elk must be present for the entire event and remain until all non-member guests have left the property.
  • Any conduct unbecoming an Elk will not be tolerated and will be considered a violation of House and/or Grand Lodge rules.


  • St. Louis Elks Lodge #9 holds the renter/sponsoring Elk completely responsible for any damages to persons and property.
  • The Lodge is not responsible for any items that are lost or damaged while on the premises.
  • The renter agrees not to carry on or engage in any illegal activities.
  • The Lodge reserves the right to change fees and prices at any time without prior notice unless guaranteed in writing.