Saratoga-Wilton, NY 161

Lodge RV Parking

Saratoga-Wilton Elks 161 RV Hookups

Saratoga-Wilton Elks #161, 1 Elks Lane, Saratoga Springs, NY  12866

RV Hookups - Two spaces on black top surface for RV use with 30amp electric hookups.  Water faucet available at lodge building to fill tanks.  Rates:  $20 per night ($15-dry camping).  

Make your check out to Saratoga-Wilton Elks #161 and in the memo put "Donation to State Major Project".

Contact Don at 518-935-8885 or email at to reserve a spot.

We are located on 1 Elks Lane just off Maple Avenue.  Our lodge is 1.4 miles off of Interstate 87 (Northway) Exit 15.  We do not have a dump station.  the closest dump station is at the Moreau State Park (Exit 17) located 11.9 miles (14 minutes) from the Lodge.  Moreau State Park is located at 605 Old Saratoga Road, Gansevoort, NY 12831 (GPS: 43.227,-73.707). Dump station is open 8 am - 8 pm Monday - Saturday.  Closed on Sundays.  Charge is $8 per RV.

We have takeout dinners every Wednesday night 430-6 pm.  We have dinner specials and pub food every Friday evening 5 - 7pm in our lounge.  



Saratoga-Wilton, NY Lodge No. 161 RV Park
1 Elks Ln
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-5541

electric 30amp

Parking Spaces:

Parking Space Length:
50 ft.

Nightly Donation:


Donald Roy