Welcome to Bridgeport Elks Lodge 714
Check our calendar for upcoming events, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities!
The monthly newsletter can be found under the "News" tab to the left of the screen.
Event Pages like the Haunted House, Cornhole Tournament, and Golf Outing pages can be found under the "More Info" tab to the left of the screen, along with a brief Lodge History page or the direct links can be found listed below.
Our meetings are open to all members in good standing. They are regularly held the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7 pm (except July and August: 3rd Thursday only and December: 1st Thursday only)
Social Room Hours are as follows Friday 5 - 11 pm Saturday 2 - 9 pm Sunday 12 - 7 pm
Interested in joining the ELKS? Becoming a Member
Join the Fidelity Club! Fidelity Club
Get Your Customized Elks License Plate Here!
PA Elks "Customized" License Plate
Lodge History Lodge History
Lodge Newsletters Newsletters
PAY DUES HERE: https://search.revopay.com/elkslodge
Event Links
Haunted House
Golf Outing
Soccer Shoot
Americanism Essay Contest
Lodge Address: 494 Ford Street Bridgeport PA 19405
Lodge Phone Number: 610.277.3810
Lodge Email: Bridgeport.Elks.714@gmail.com