New theme coming September 1, 2018
1. Eligible participants must be Students enrolled in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade at the time of the contest.
2. Essay length is not to exceed 300 words.
3. Essay must be typed or legibly printed in ink. Also, Essay must be submitted as written (or typed) by the entrant.
4. Essay must be submitted for judging to the Elks Lodge nearest to the address of the entrant.
5. Participant must be identified by name, grade, school attending and sponsoring Elks Lodge on the Essay.
Section 1 — to be filled out by student Division I: 5th or 6th Grade (Circle One) Division II: 7th or 8th Grade School ______________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name ______________________________________________________ School Address _________________________________City ________________State _______
Student’s Name __________________________________________________________ Male / Femalec Age _____ Grade _____
Parent’sName_____________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________________ State _____ ZIP ________________ Home Phone(________)_____________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________ (used only to contact the winners)
Send to Local Lodge no later than December 15, 2017.
AWARDS: Plaques will be awarded by the Grand Lodge for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place for national winning essays in Division I and Division II. Winners will be announced at the Grand Lodge Session in San Antonio, Texas, July 1-4, 2018
ENTRY DATE: Essay should be submitted to Green Bay Elks Lodge 259
3195 S. Ridge rd, Green Bay / 54304
on/before December 15, 2017.
For further details contact:
Green Bay Elks Lodge at