Year Exalted Rulers 2000-2001 David G. Turnbull, PER2001-2002 Landon A. Strattan, PER2002-2003 Mechie Nunez-Meents2003-2004 Jana Markum Clicking on the years will take you to the term highlights. Clicking on the Exalted Ruler's name will produce a photo of the Exalted Ruler. Return to HistoryReturn Home 2000-2001April - David G. Turnbull, PER, is installed as the 43rd Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.Return to top 2001-2002April: - Landon A. Strattan, PER, is installed as the 44th Exalted Ruler of the Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.Return to top 2002-2003April - Mechie Nunez-Meents is installed as the 45th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.May - George C. Vernon, PER, is installed as the State Vice President of the California South Central Coast District at the State Convention in San Diego.Return to top 2003-2004April - Jana Markum is installed as the 46th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.June - New carpet for the bar area, the Lobby and the Columbus Room and paint for the bar area and Del Rey Room.July - Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 PER Walter J. Diver, PSVP, is installed as District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler South Central Coast District. His Esquire is Landon Strattan, PER, and his Auditor is Phillip Parlett. The patio barbecue was upgraded. Major changes take shape in the conversion of the Columbus Room from a dingy almost storage room into a truly useable entertainment center. Spearheaded by the Columbus Room Improvement Committee -- Loyal Knight Joe Stefanelli, Lodge Esquire Lee Ezzes, Fred Handley and Trustee Kenneth Dufva.August - A hole appeared in the wall between the bar and the Columbus Room -- rumor has it that Loyal Knight Joe Stefanelli lost control of his jeep and put a hole in the wall which now must be made presentable with new doors.October - The Halloween Party for the Children at the Imperial PAU (Principal Administrative Unit) in El Segundo was a great success thanks to the Ladies of the Westchester Elks. The Columbus Room doors are finally up.November - The Charity Ball was well attended. While we did not make a tremendous amount of money, we were able to give a pre-Christmas gift to our Theme Child and to donate a picnic table to the Imperial PAU School.December - Lighting is nearly complete with new sconces and a darkened overhead. The Columbus Room is very attractive and just a few more little items remain to make it the beautiful entertainment area that it was destined to be. Around ninety people attended the New Years Bash in the Del Rey Room. A very enjoyable evening was spent bringing in the new year.