The 1960's Year Exalted Rulers1960-1961 Ed. D. Ryan1961-1962 Jan Van Eyk1962-1963 John Mijal1963-1964 John Mijal1964-1965 Roger Harmon1965-1966 Wayne Conover1966-1967 Paul Cornmesser1967-1968 Joseph Walsh1968-1969 Dick Birch1969-1970 Joseph Rollins 1960-1961June: The lodge's first official auditing, accounting and budgeting procedures were established. July: New size and style "Whisper" is published. Charter Treasurer Wiley Mathis turns over his jewel of office to Nick LaPata. First "Roaring Twenties" dance is held. August: First organized Golf Tournament is held at Fox Hills. First handicapped children's outing (taken to Dodger game at the Coliseum) held. September: Organized first men's and ladies' Bowling League. DDGER Judge Bernard Lawler (PER, Redondo Beach #1378) visits Westchester. October: The first annual "Luau" was presented by the Ladies of the Elks. November: The first annual "Charity Ball" was held. A 1961 Rambler was given away as the Grand Prize. March: Beginning membership was 399. A 27% net gain of 109 new members was attained during the year, bringing the total membership to 508.Return to top 1961-1962May: Max Greenberg is elected Tiler upon the death of Everett Emerald. By-Laws amended to have meetings throughout the entire year. July: WELBA is established for purpose of raising money for lodge air-conditioning. August: First annual "Family Picnic" is held at Park Enchanto. September: PER Ed Ryan is appointed Grand Esquire to DDGER Bruce Marsh. 2050 hosts a free Italian Dinner during convention in Santa Monica. October: Ladies hold raffle to purchase a new Organ for the lodge. Bowling Tournament against the Inglewood Elks Lodge is held. February: Westchester 2050 unanimously adopts a resolution against Communism.Return to top 1962-1963June: Lodge door is fitted for use of key cards. August: Lodge receives Grand Lodge Certificate of Merit for Honorable Mention in Bulletin Contest. September: "Fifth Anniversary" Dinner/Dance is held. December: Elk of the Month Program is established -- Sam Mueller and Sarge Boege are first recipients. February: Lodge Improvement Day is success.Return to top 1963-1964April: New bar prices are established – well drinks 50¢; call drinks 6O ¢; specials 7O ¢. May: PER Ed Ryan appointed State Vice President of South Central Coast District. Lodge #2050 wins first place in State Bulletin Contest.September: WELBA Certificates surrendered – Lodge #2050 pays for the lot on which the building stands. November: Lodge #2050 wins District Softball League. February: Largest initiation class ever - 61 men are initiated in honor of Vice President Ed Ryan. Ladies remodel their Powder Room.Return to top 1964-1965May: Lodge #2050 participates in the first Elks Night at Disneyland. July: PER Jan Van Eyk is named Grand Esquire to DDGER Nat Harrison of Gardena #1919. September: Membership has increased to 707. November: Work is started on an enlarged game room. February: First "Footlight Fables" is presented at Westchester High School. Class of 28 is initiated in honor of R. Leonard Bush, Grand Trustee. March: Appreciation Dinner is held for PER Cyril Van Loozen, one of original lodge founders.Return to top 1965-1966May: At State Convention in San Diego Lodge #2050 receives award for membership gain. July: PER Cyril Van Loozen passes away. Samuel Elias is first representative of Lodge #2050 to win a $600.00 National Foundation Scholarship. March: Americanism display presented to Lodge #2050. Membership reaches 804.Return to top 1966-1967August: Bert Pasco receives "Golden Hands Award" for contributions to youth of the community. PER Jan Van Eyk passes away. October: Local students representing Westchester are awarded $1,000.00 and $800.00 scholarships. February: Vote is approved to raise dues from $25.00 to $36.00.Return to top 1967-1968July: PER Roger Harmon is named as Grand Esquire to DDGER Scott McKean of Inglewood #1492. September: Lodge #2050 initiates a class in honor of Past Grand Exalted Ruler R. Leonard Bush. October: Plans underway for a building addition with a New Building Dinner being held. December: Announcement is made that Linda Patterson, daughter of member Jack Patterson, will receive an $800.00 scholarship. January: Ralph Varley, First "Elk of the Year" (1960) passes away.Return to top 1968-1969May: Jules Adams, Charter Member and first Editor of Westchester's Lodge Bulletin, passes away. Esquire Bill Robertson impersonates "Wrong-Way" Corrigan and stops at wrong station during Ritual Contest. July: A "Thank You" Dinner honoring office secretary Marion Klossner was held. PER Roger Harmon is installed at the National Convention in Dallas as the District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the South Central Coast District. October: WELBA President Ed Ryan makes a building progress report. December: A lighted flag began flying over our lodge building. March: Voting took place on a General Revision of the lodge's by-laws.Return to top 1969-1970April: PER John Mijal takes over as Club Manager. "Footlight Fables" is put on for the entire South Central Coast District. May: Mary Boege is voted a Life Membership in the Ladies of the Elks. Leading Knight Ernie Sweeney takes first place in the District Ritual Contest. July: Exalted Ruler Stan Oczachowski is given the boot -- to the National Convention in San Francisco. November: Westchester's Adopted Child from Spastic Children's Foundation attends the Charity Ball. January: Another successful Ladies Wine Tasting Dinner is held.Return to top Return to HistoryReturn Home