Year Exalted Rulers1970-1971 Stan Oczachowski1971-1972 Ernest Sweeney1972-1973 Bill McKindley1973-1974 Bill Robertson1974-1975 Wayne Garrison1975-1976 Joseph Hoover1976-1977 Joseph Sachen1977-1978 John McGah1978-1979 Fred Lucas1979-1980 Bill Graham Return to HistoryReturn Home 1970-1971April - PER John Mijal takes over as Club Manager. Footlight Fables is put on for the entire South Central Coast District.May - Mary Boege is voted a Life Membership in the Ladies of the Elks. Leading Knight Ernie Sweeney takes first place in the District Ritual Contest.July - Exalted Ruler Stan Oczachowski is given the boot - to the National Convention in San Francisco.November - Westchester's Adopted Child from Spastic Children's Foundation attends the Charity Ball.January - Another successful Ladies Wine Tasting Dinner is held.Return to top 1971-1972May: - A large group of 2050 members join with Exalted Ruler Ernie Sweeney in a trip to Hawaii for the State Convention. PDDGER Roger Harmon was named State Membership Chairman.September - Children from the Spastic Children's Foundation were taken to the Los Angeles Zoo.October - A very successful "Oktoberfest" was enjoyed by all who attended.December - Christmas Baskets were again distributed to the needy.Return to top 1972-1973May - The State Convention was held in San Diego and a large contingent from Westchester attended.July - Charles W. Pearson, second Exalted Ruler, was voted an Honorary Life Membership.August - Past Trustee Ralph Olson is elected Honorary Mayor of Frasier Park, California.November - PERs hold a Prospective Officers' Clinic. Wall between Bar and Lodge Room is opened and the Bar is remodeled.Return to top 1973-1974April - The first "Open Installation of Officers" was held.May - The State Convention was held in Fresno, not Sacramento where Exalted Ruler Bill Robertson kept insisting he was going.July - PER Joe Rollins was appointed Grand Esquire to DDGER Norm Lopez of Santa Monica #906.September - Lodge air conditioning system is completed at very little cost to lodge. 90% of the labor was done by members of the lodge. Charter Member and Past Trustee Jesse R. Young passes away.November - State President Yubi Separovich visits the lodge. This is the first official visit ever by a State President to Westchester. The Playboys get started with Paul Eberlein as President.Return to top 1974-1975June - A Retirement Party was held for long-time office secretary Marion Klossner.September - New ceramic tile name plates were put up in the foyer and the hall of the lodge.November - New House Rules were balloted on. March - Past Exalted Ruler Bill McKindley passes away. Return to top 1975-1976April - Lecturing Knight Robert J. Graham estimates 17 years x 6 years = 102 years x 2080 hours = 212,160 hours x today's average burdened labor rate = $4,243,200.00 as the contribution of the 2050 Past Exalted Rulers.September - Steak Frys are started every other Friday. Also ELKO is started on Sundays.December - A retirement party is given for PER Joe Rollins and Fran, who are moving to Fallbrook.January - State President James E. Spence visits Westchester Lodge.February - George Johnson, 1965 Elk of the Year, passes away. Wiley Mathis (PER #1203), Charter Member and Charter Treasurer, is voted Honorary Life MembershipReturn to top 1976-1977May - Exalted Ruler Joe Hoover and a large group from Westchester attend State Convention in Sacramento. Westchester Lodge is given First Place Public Image Award.June - Bicentennial Display is completed on the side of the building.July - Westchester Lodge is given First Place Grand Lodge Public Image Award at National Convention in Dallas.November - Playboys provide Fire Extinguisher System for stove and deep fryers in kitchen.Return to top 1977-1978May - The State Convention returns to San Diego. The lodge again receives a First Place Public Image Award from the State Association.July – PER Bill Robertson is appointed to serve as Grand Esquire to DDGER Dick Mansell of Culver City #1917. At the Grand Lodge Convention in New Orleans. The lodge's Public Image Brochure submitted by Bill Robertson is again given a First Place Award.August - Westchester puts on a retirement party for Roger Harmon (PER, PDDGER) and Clarissa.September - 2050 has a 20th Anniversary Party that is Chaired by Charter Member Jim Lynch.Return to top 1978-1979May -Exalted Ruler Fred Lucas attends the State Convention in Fresno along with a good group from the lodge. PER Bill Robertson is installed as Vice President of the South Central Coast District.June - Westchester Elks Lodge honors Vice President Bill Robertson with a Testimonial Dinner Dance.October - A proud event - Westchester's Mortgage Burning Dinner Dance - is held with a full house attending this affair.March - State President Dr. Robert Robb officially visits Westchester Lodge.Return to top 1979-1980May - Past Exalted Ruler John McGah passes away. State Convention is held in Anaheim. Once again Westchester receives the First Place Public Image Award.October - PER Ed Ryan and Alice celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary.November - Past Exalted Ruler Charles Pearson and George Hutchinson, PER & PDDGER of Inglewood #1492 (known as the Father of 2050) passes away.March - Bob B. Graham is unanimously elected (railroaded is the word) Secretary of the Past Exalted Rulers' Association.Return to top Return to HistoryReturn Home