Year Exalted Rulers 1990-1991 David G. Turnbull1991-1992 James C. Betz1992-1993 Walter J. Diver1993-1994 George C. Vernon, Sr.1994-1995 Richard G. Page1995-1996 Oleg Krotenko1996-1997 Landon A. Strattan1997-1998 Ronald Lee Buress1998-1999 George C. Vernon, Sr., PER1999-2000 Ross Moen Return to HistoryReturn Home 1990-1991April - David G. Turnbull is installed as the 33rd Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.May - Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 wins the District Ritual Contest.March - Twenty-nine members of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 and one member from Santa Monica Elks Lodge #906 made a visit to the Long Beach Elks Lodge #888. Long Beach Lodge had between 300 and 400 members present. PER Frank Rocco won a cash prize at the drawing. Ken Dufva and Forrest Roth each won a package of cookies. Al Weber won ten lottery tickets.Return to top 1991-1992April: - James C. Betz is installed as the 34th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050. Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 won the District Ritual Contest for the third year in a row.May - The Major Project received a check from the Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 for $9,340.00 at the State Convention in Santa Clara. That figure includes $1,925.00 donated by the Elks Ladies.Return to top 1992-1993April - Walter J. Diver is installed as the 35th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.May -August - A trip to the Los Angeles Zoo -- Westchester Elks escorted children from the Cerebral Palsy Foundation/Spastic Children's School in North Hollywood to the LA Zoo. There were thirteen children in wheelchairs, strollers and a few who were able to walk. Our members furnished sandwiches, cookies, sodas, etc. We had a clown there to perform some magic and to let the children enjoy themselves.October - On Sunday, October 25th, over 200 Brothers, Ladies and guests attended the formal dedication of our new Lodge Room.Return to top 1993-1994April - George C. Vernon, Sr., is installed as the 36th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050. Placed first in the District Ritual Contest.March - Nikki Mahoney representing Westchester Elks won the State Finals Hoop ShootReturn to top 1994-1995April - Richard G. Page is installed as the 37th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050. Ritual Team placed first once again in the District Ritual Contest. Return to top 1995-1996April - Oleg Krotenko is installed as the 38th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.May - Vernon E. Tinsley PER of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 is installed as State Vice President of the South Central Coast District at the State Convention in Anaheim on May 18th. BINGO becomes a Sunday happening, with Chairman Roger Hoeman at the helm.Return to top 1996-1997April - Landon A. Stratton is installed as the 39th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.January - Our Esteemed Loyal Knight Karl E. Keisz died of a massive heart attack on January 5th. Return to top 1997-1998April - Ronald L. Buress is installed as the 40th Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050. Westchester Elks Lodge wins first place in the District Ritual Contest.May - Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 presented a check to the Major Project for $13,505.00 at the State Convention in San Diego. That sum included $2,000.00 form the Ladies of Westchester Elks.July - Joe Namnam is installed as the District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the South Central Coast District at the 133rd National Convention in Chicago, IL.Return to top 1998-1999April - George C. Vernon, Sr., is installed as Westchester Elks Lodge #2050's Exalted Ruler for a second time, this time as the 41st Exalted Ruler.March - Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 is selected as 1998-1999 All District Lodge and the was selected as All State Lodge in Division 2.Return to top 1999-2000April - Ross Moen is installed as the 42nd Exalted Ruler of Westchester Elks Lodge #2050.May - Walter J. Diver, PER, was installed as State Vice President of the South Central Coast District at the State Convention in San Diego.July - Vernon E. Tinsley, PER, PSVP, is installed as District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the California South Central Coast District at the Grand Lodge Convention in Kansas, MO.Return to top Return to HistoryReturn Home