Rockland, ME 1008

National & Local Competitions

Most Valuable Student Competition - Elks National Foundation (ENF)

The Rockland Elks Lodge is doing big things to help local youth. Elks invest in our nation's future by helping deserving students attend the colleges of their dreams. This year, the Elks National Foundation will fund nearly $3.74 million in college scholarships through its three scholarship programs.

The Elks National Foundation's Most Valuable Student Scholarship contest launched on September 1 and will lessen the cost of college tuition for 500 deserving students. The Foundation awards 20 top winners scholarships ranging from $20,000 to $50,000. The remaining 480 runners-up receive $4,000 scholarships.

Thanks to their MVS scholarships, the two 2013 top scholarship winners are both able to attend their dream schools. Grace Young, sponsored by Hoboken, N.J., Lodge No. 74, will study cellular and molecular biology at Harvard University. Anish Athalye, sponsored by Worcester, Mass., Lodge No. 243, will study computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This year, through the MVS Scholarship, the Elks National Foundation will award $2.44 million, giving students a chance to earn a college education without incurring insurmountable loans.

This scholarship is available to all high school seniors who are United States citizens. Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks. Males and females compete separately, and are judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need. Completed applications must be turned in to the Rockland Elks Lodge, no later than December 6, 2013. The 500 national winners will be announced in late April.

Applications for the 2014 contest are available by download at

For complete Most Valuable Student scholarship contest details, visit

LEGACY Scholarships - Elks National Foundation (ENF)

Legacy Awards are $4,000 scholarships ($1,000 per year for four years). The Foundation will offer a total of up to 250 awards.

2014 Legacy Awards applications are be available ONLINE ONLY. 2014 applications are due February 1, 2014.

Who is Eligible?
Any child or grandchild (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk who joined the order on or before April 1, 2008, or a charter member of a Lodge that was instituted on or after April 1, 2008, is eligible to apply. The Elk must also be a paid-up member through March 31, 2013. Great-grandchildren are not eligible.
The applicant must be a high school senior.
The applicant must apply online only at
If the applicant's parent and grandparent are both Elk members, the applicant must apply through the parent's Elks Lodge.
Students may apply for more than one ENF scholarship; however, they may win only one. In cases where the student qualifies for more than one, we will award the scholarship with the greater value.
Legacy Awards may only be applied to accredited US American schools, colleges or universities. (Note: Applicants from Guam, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Philippines may apply Legacy Awards toward schools, colleges or universities in their respective homes.)
Applicants must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the American College Test by December 31, 2013.

Local Lodge #1008 Scholarships

Each spring Rockland Lodge of Elks (#1008) distributes scholarships to local high school seniors in a local competition. The local high school counseling offices receive the applications and make them available to their students who are interested in applying. The applications are judged by the Scholarship Committee and scholarships are awarded at the end of the school year. Interested students should contact their high school counseling office in early April for an application.