The Buzz on Buzzy
What’s new with ENF scholarships? Ask 1998 Most Valuable Student Matthew “Buzzy” Nielsen.

True to his nickname, Buzzy gives back to the ENF by generating “buzz” about our Most Valuable Student scholarship. As the Assistant Director of Oregon’s North Bend Public Library, he encourages students to apply for ENF scholarships whenever possible by sharing his success story.

Thanks to his own MVS scholarship, Buzzy was able to graduate from Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Ore., with a major in philosophy.

“The ENF allowed me to pursue a college education, and gave me confidence,” Buzzy states. “The Elks serve as a continual reminder that someone believed enough in my potential to invest in my future, and also that I owe it to those investors to give back and improve the community in which I live and work.”

Buzzy, who grew up in Langlois, Ore., knew he wanted to help his community by working in a small rural library, enlightening patrons with opportunities not often seen in their community.

“Growing up in a small town was wonderful, but there often isn’t the diversity of thinking one might want,” he explains. “College exposed me to a number of different people and ideas that helped me become a well-rounded individual.”

Following his years at Lewis & Clark, Buzzy earned his Master of Public Policy and Master of Science in Information from the University of Michigan. After graduation, his love of the climate, the landscape and the laid-back attitude of the Pacific Northwest drew him back to Oregon, landing him at the North Branch Public Library.

As the library’s Assistant Director, Buzzy is able to share the diverse ideas he has come across through his studies and experiences with his small community. He designs the library’s website, helps people check out materials, teaches patrons to use library resources, seeks out new additions to the library’s collections, designs classes and trainings, and helps research and implement new technologies.

We are proud of Buzzy and all that he has invested in his community!

In 2009-10, the Elks National Foundation allocated $2.296 million to fund the Most Valuable Student Scholarships. For more information about the Most Valuable Student scholarship program, including eligibility and deadlines, please visit

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