Enabling the ENF to Grow
Frank Oglesby, In Memoriam, 1932-2005

Frank Oglesby credits his Lodge ENF volunteer for first introducing him to the Foundation when he was initiated in 1959. In 1968, the Orders 100th year, he gave $100 to start a second pledge. Nearly 45 years later, Frank is still an avid supporter of the Foundation.

“I continue to donate to the Foundation because of the good things it does,” says Frank. “I feel that each of us who are fortunate enough to have something should share it with the less fortunate.”

Frank keeps the tradition alive of spreading the ENF mission in his Lodge by telling new members about the Foundation. He also stresses that every Elk should be a part of "the great heart of Elkdom."

Recently, Frank has taken advantage of the Foundation’s online giving mechanism, where he can make a donation using his credit card, and have his gift be put to use immediately to support the Foundation’s mission. “I like online donating because of the ease and speed at which it can be done,” says Frank.

One of Frank’s favorite parts of the ENF is that his donations will affect the Foundation’s philanthropic efforts forever. Donations are put into an endowment fund, where they are never touched, earning interest for lifetimes.

“By giving to the ENF, I am able to share what I have with others,” says Frank. “I know of no other charity where every cent I give stays forever. “I hope that my donations, along with many more like them, will enable the ENF to grow.”

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