Jacky Chu
2016 MVS Scholar
Sponsored by San Francisco, CA No. 3
Stanford University School of Medicine


"From advocating for patients to get their medications to ensuring that they felt safe in the clinic, I learned to love that medicine was a way for me to combine my developing passions in community health and social activism. . . . With trust and inspiration from my communities, I strive to become a healthcare provider who will fight for inclusive and accessible care to uplift the health of marginalized communities."

After losing her husband, Gunther, to a staph infection in November 2009, the late Lee Weigel wanted to improve the quality of healthcare in our country. To realize that goal, she partnered with the Elks National Foundation to endow the Gunther and Lee Weigel Medical School Scholarship, which helps Elks scholars pursue careers in medicine. For more information, visit enf.elks.org/WeigelMSS.

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