Team Ingraham: The ENF’s Maine Squeeze

During the peak of the 1960s, Al Ingraham wooed soon-to-be Stephanie Ingraham by singing “Sugar Shack” at their local teen variety show. On April 14, 1972, the two love birds married and have spent the past 46 years serving youth and veterans in need through their charitable work and contributions.

As Elks, the Ingrahams have kept themselves busy helping the Elks National Foundation build stronger communities in separate Lodges. This couple divides and conquers to serve in Elks communities across Maine. Al and Stephanie are also members of the ENF Fidelity Club—the Foundation’s monthly giving program. For them, donating to the ENF is just as important as volunteering.

Al is currently the ENF Fundraising Chair for Wells, Lodge No. 2738 and the Maine Elks Association. This U.S. Army and Navy veteran doesn’t mind traveling 70 miles to and from his Lodge, because he values the impact ENF programs have on veterans and today’s youth.

“These programs could not happen without funding from our members to the ENF,” says Al. “It’s important to let Elks know what their donations are supporting and how important their part is in the big picture.”

Meanwhile, Stephanie volunteers closer to home as the ENF Fundraising Chair for Portland, Lodge No. 188. For Stephanie, being an Elk means “working together toward a common goal to collectively help our communities become a better place to live, work and play.”

“I can see my donations at work,” says Stephanie. “With the ENF, the money raised goes back to where the money came from in local communities—that speaks volumes.”

Stephanie encourages other Lodge members to start a monthly donation to the ENF because its easier, paperless, and she know it’s getting done.

“The Fidelity Club sign-up process could not be easier,” Al insists. “Everyone should be doing it! Most people would like to give more, but a one-time lump sum isn’t always possible. A little each month will help you get there.”

Give to the ENF with ease. Join the ENF Fidelity Club today at and we’ll send you a special sticker for your membership card and list your name in our online honor roll. To learn more about the ENF’s monthly giving program, please visit