Jacqueline Gaudet
Missoula ‘Hell Gate,’ Mont., Lodge No. 383

Gaudet Creates Change

In late 2010, Missoula ‘Hell Gate,’ Mont., Lodge No. 383’s per-member-giving total barely equaled a pocketful of spare change. After being inspired by the programs the Elks National Foundation funds, ENF Chair Jacqueline Gaudet knew the Lodge had to change its giving habits. Thanks to her motivation, the Missoula Elks donated $4,247.00 through March 31. The Lodge ended 2012-13 ranking first in the state with per-member giving at $12.455. Now that’s a major change!

Gaudet’s enthusiasm for ENF programs continues to spread through her leadership as ENF Chair. She promotes the ENF every chance she gets, reminding Elks about how much the ENF contributes to each state.

“The more people hear about the purpose and the successes of the Elks National Foundation, the more likely they are to donate,” says Gaudet.

Monthly Gifts from Missoula

After increasing per-member-giving totals, Gaudet’s next goal as ENF Chair is to improve membership support to more than 50 percent. She plans to do this by encouraging membership in the ENF Fidelity Club. Gaudet gives to the ENF monthly with a recurring gift, and frequently endorses the program to other members.

“I intend to approach the younger members about the Fidelity Club,” says Gaudet, “and encourage them to join this easy, safe giving program.”

A Sense of Community

An automatic donation through the ENF Fidelity Club gives Gaudet more time to reach out to community members. More support from the community creates a rise in the Lodge’s visibility within Missoula and a boost in Lodge morale.

“In our community, people are associating Missoula Lodge with service,” she explains.

For the past two years, the Lodge has received a Community Investments Program Gratitude Grant from the ENF. This year, the Lodge worked with a local home for veterans in need to build a garden. The combination of driven Elks and support from the community resulted in an outstanding success.

“So many Elks are getting excited again to help out by donating and volunteering,” says Gaudet. “That’s a change I’m happy about.”

Donors who join the ENF Fidelity Club have their names listed on our website and receive a special gift. To learn more about participating in the Fidelity Club please visit www.elks.org/enf/FidelityClub.cfm.

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