Thousands of people were organ transplant recipients last year and millions of others received cornea and other tissue transplants that helped them with trauma, bone damage, spinal injuries, burns, hearing and eyesight loss.
Did you know that one person can help up to 8 others through organ/tissue donations? Sadly not everyone is fortunate enough to receive a needed organ or tissue donation and die while waiting because of the shortage of donors.
Fact: Anyone can be an organ donor regardless of age or medical history
Fact: There is no cost to donate or for the families to for the donation
Fact: Every state has a donor registry program
Won't you consider being an organ donor. Click on the link above and sign up to be a donor.
Don't wait, sign up never know when you or someone you love will be in need of "The Gift of Life". Be an organ donor.
For more than 50 years, Kewanee, Illinois...located in Henry County...has been the home of one of the biggest and best Labor Day weekend celebrations around! Hog DAY began as a simple one day agricultural event and has evolved into a four day, family-oriented end of summer festival that features something for everyone and attracts more than 50 thousand visitors into a community of 13 thousand. Can you say PARTY! C'mon in and see for yourself. Hog Days...It's Where The BEST Memories Begin!
Here is a link to our Chamber of Commerce for the City of Kewanee. We recently had the famous Wall Dogs in our community painting murals depicting some of the history of Kewanee. Browse through we think you'll find our community interesting.
Don't forget to visit Good's Furniture while you're here!