Buena Park, CA 2046

Lodge Facilities


Lodge Hours

Monday: Office hours 9:30-1:00pm     Coming soon Sports Night

Tuesday: Office hours 9:30-1:00pm

Wednesday: Closed except meeting nights (1st & 3rd Wednesday 7:30 Lodge Meetings )

Thursday: Closed   Coming soon Game Night

Friday:  Office hours 9:30-1:00pm     Friday Car Show only 1st Friday of the month from 4:00-8:00pm

Saturday: Closed    Available to rental

Sunday1st Sunday 6 - 10 am  Pick in under the Antlers 

Lonnie's Grill

Closed until further notice. 

Dining Room

Available for rentals.

Horse Shoe Pits

We have four great Horse Shoe Pits located by the back patio. 

Patio Area

We have a large covered patio, with BBQ and bar area that opens up to the horseshoe pits.

Patio available to rent for events.