Woonsocket, RI 850

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Lori Matkowski

Leading Knight
John Houghton

Loyal Knight
Gary Cassidy

Lisa M. Richard

Paulette J. Beaulieu

Trustee Chair
Paul S. Bokoski

Trustee - One Year
Chester Lamansky

Trustee - Two Year
Terri-Lyn Lanctot

Trustee - Three Year
Paul S. Bokoski

Trustee - Five Year
Alan M. Leclaire

Alice T. Maynard

Denis P Galipeau

Alternate Rep to GL
John Houghton

Chairperson - Activities Committee
John Houghton

Chairperson - Community Project & Activities Subcommittee
Lisa M. Richard

Chairperson - Fraternal Committee
Gary Cassidy

Chairperson - Americanism Subcommittee
Kathleen M. Ferreira

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Lisa M. Richard

Chairperson - Flag Day Subcommittee
John Houghton

Chairperson - Elks Memorial Day Subcommittee
John Houghton

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
John Houghton

Chairperson - Veterans Services Subcommittee
Gary Cassidy

Chairperson - Soccer Shoot® Subcommittee
Gary Cassidy

Chairperson - Board of Trustees
Paul S. Bokoski

Chairperson - Elk of the Year
Lori Matkowski

Chairperson - Elk of the Year
Louis Provost