Allegheny, PA 339

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Sarah Suiter

Leading Knight
Thomas Christopher Weinlandt

Loyal Knight
Lance McFadden

Lecturing Knight
Kathleen Bernard

Jay C. Jones-Abrego, III

Jennie Eisenbrown

Trustee Chair
Timothy G. Zinn

Board of Directors C - Board of Directors Chair
Sarah Suiter

Trustee - One Year
Frank Randza, Jr.

Trustee - Two Year
Mark P. Masterson

Trustee - Three Year
Keith H. Olash

Trustee - Four Year
Timothy G. Zinn

Trustee - Five Year
Raymond E. Link, III

Dana Melvin

Alexandra Ley

Presiding Justice
Matthew Gailey

Shawn Melvin

Alternate Rep to GL
Lance McFadden

Chairperson - Drug Awareness Subcommittee
Alisha M. Crose

Chairperson - Fraternal Committee
Sarah Suiter

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Kathleen Bernard

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
Lance McFadden

Chairperson - Veterans Services Subcommittee
Kathleen Bernard

Chairperson - PER Association
Lance McFadden

Chairperson - Standing Relief Subcommittee
Sarah Suiter

Chairperson - Soccer Shoot® Subcommittee
Michael Douglass

Chairperson - State Major Project Subcommittee
Keith H. Olash

Chairperson - Redd-Up Committee
Timothy G. Zinn

Chairperson - JROTC Liaison
Christopher Augustine

Chairperson - Tech Committee
Thomas Christopher Weinlandt