The meeting will deal with proposed renovations of the Lodge. See e-mail & US Postal mail you should have received by now.
We have available for rent our outdoor field/fairgrounds. Click on the headline above for information on contacting us and discussing the possibilities. MORE.
The Lodge activities slow down for the summer season
Our lodge's August 2024 newsletter, THE GAVEL, may be viewed online by Elks members. Members may register to access this section (and other "members only" sections) at Please patronize our advertisers - they support us. NOTE: see our website and online calendar for post-publication modifications and updates to information and events as printed in The Gavel.
Click the headline above to view the report of our House Committee Activities
Additional news for our members
Come to our meetings - free food! No guests allowed at meetings, of course. Meetings are for Elks members only.
click the headline for more information
Volunteer services and donations of needed items are supplied. MORE.
A five minute video feature, nationally televised, is now available for online viewing.
The web address for member registration & secure access can be found in this article. MORE
Click the headline above for the e-mail invitation.
Click the headline to be redirected - learn about services, events, great ideas, etc.