Klamath Falls, OR 1247

Lodge Facilities

Our Lodge

Klamath Falls Lodge Instituted with 74 charter members July 3, 1911  Our Lodge is downtown at 601 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR. There is also parking at the back for Elk members and Restaurant Patrons. The back entrance has the elevator to the Elks Lodge on the third floor. Our Lodge Office hours are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 12 - 4 pm. Klamath Falls is located approximately 15 miles from the northern boundary of California and 60 miles South of Crater Lake National Park. Klamath Falls, located on the south shore of Upper Klamath Lake (the largest body of fresh water in the Pacific Northwest), has a population of approximately 45,000 in the urban area. Home of the first national wildlife refuge in the US, the Klamath basin is on the Pacific Flyway and thousands of waterfowl and songbirds reside in or travel through the area. Klamath Falls contains several museums, the Ross Ragland Theater for performing arts near our Lodge, Klamath Community College, and Oregon Institute of Technology.

Elks #1247 Lounge

See the calendar for monthly activities.  Bar opens at 4 PM on days when activities are scheduled unless otherwise noted.

Klamath Falls 1247 Lodge Room