Frederick, MD 684

Frederick, MD Lodge No. 684

Dennis Helmstetter, Exalted Ruler

Welcomes you to

Frederick Lodge #684 in beautiful Frederick County, Maryland

Home Lodge of Past Grand Lodge Trustee and MD-DE-DC Elks Association Past President Warren Johnson

MEETINGS: September thru June - 1st & 3rd Wednesdays; July - 3rd Wednesday only; August & December - 1st Wednesday only. Meetings start at 7:30 pm.

Members can access weekly news and monthly newsletters by clicking "More Info" on the left bar or email and ask to be on the Lodge email list (please include Member # and email address)

Scholarship information (and other information not found under a specific tab) can be found by clicking on "More Info..."on the left bar


Address:  289 Willowdale Drive, Frederick MD 21702

Lodge Telephone: 301-662-3301

Lodge email address: 

Banquet rentals: 

Dues can be paid by clicking on NEWS on the left of the screen. 

PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE A MEMBERS-ONLY FACILITY.  Current member card must be presented upon request. Guests must be accompanied by member.


(this includes visiting Elks).