The West Citrus Elks is located in Homosassa, FL at 4532 S Suncoast Blvd.. We are just 75 miles (1.5 hours) north of Tampa and St. Petersburg and 90 miles (2 hours) northwest of Orlando.
When visiting our Lodge you will find a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our Lodge can proudly say "we truly are a friendly Lodge".
The Physical location of the Lodge has moved and has not yet opened in the new place on 4520 S. Suncoast Blvd - - In the Ollies plaza
We are within one mile of The Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park which is a showcase for Florida Wildlife. It offers visitors an excellent opportunity to observe native animals, birds and plants in their natural setting. Walk along a naturally beautiful boardwalk and view many Florida species such as cougars, bear, white-tailed deer, bobcats, otters and fox. It is one of Florida's most visited parks.
Lodge meetings are the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm.