West Citrus, FL 2693

West Citrus, FL Lodge No. 2693

West Citrus Elks Lodge 2693

The West Citrus Elks, "The Friendly Lodge"
Homosassa, Florida

The West Citrus Elks is located in Homosassa, FL at 4532 S Suncoast Blvd.. We are just 75 miles (1.5 hours) north of Tampa and St. Petersburg and 90 miles (2 hours) northwest of Orlando.

When visiting our Lodge you will find a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our Lodge can proudly say "we truly are a friendly Lodge".

Visit our Lodge website.

The Physical location of the Lodge has moved and has not yet opened in the new place on 4520 S. Suncoast Blvd - - In the Ollies plaza

Here are some of our regular events:

We are within one mile of The Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park which is a showcase for Florida Wildlife. It offers visitors an excellent opportunity to observe native animals, birds and plants in their natural setting. Walk along a naturally beautiful boardwalk and view many Florida species such as cougars, bear, white-tailed deer, bobcats, otters and fox. It is one of Florida's most visited parks.

Lodge meetings are the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm.