Meramec (Arnold), MO 2372

Meramec (Arnold), MO Lodge No. 2372

Let me start by welcoming the 7 new members we initiated on July 15th.  In addition, I would like to comment to growing our membership, without all of you this lodge does not exist. Keep up the good work.

Let us move on to our 4th of July celebration.  Mother nature teste us with all the rain leading up to the 4th.  We held strong, it cleared up and we had a great day, it was uplifting to see a large showing of members turn out for the event as well as the showing from our community.  Music, food and fun were had by all.  Then as usual our clubroom put on a dazzling fireworks display.  I would like to give a special thanks to all the kitchen, clubroom and members who volunteered to make this a great success. 

Now let's focus on our upcoming soccer shoot.  On August 17th registration will start at 8:30am.  This event will be held on our ball field.  We are striving for this event to be a good showing in our community as well as a positive event for our youth.  On July 11th we had a soccer shoot committee meeting led by the chairman Steve Michler and we are getting plans in place for event.  On July 25th at 5:00pm we will be having a goal assembly party at the lodge.  Anyone who would like to help with this, please see Steve or myself or just show up.  we will have our final committee meeting on August 15th at 7:30pm.  We will have Paul Skinner in attendance at that meeting, he is our district soccer shoot chair.  We will be finalizing our plans at this meeting.  So even if you are not on the committee but plan on volunteering, please try to attend as this will help us to be optimally prepared for the shoot.  I also encourage as many as possible to volunteer.  We need all the help we can get.

As many of you know our Treasurer's daughter Emily Strite has been missing since April.  There was search completed for her on Saturday July 13th, many of you donated & volunteered to help and raised funds for this effort.  I would like to personally thank this lodge for showing Sis what it means to be an Elk.  You made us all proud to be part of this great organization.

Our district picnic will be on August 24th at the Festus/Crystal City lodge, starting at 10:00am.  I encourage you all to attend.  It is a great time with all our fellow Elk family.  There are also many different event competitions.  Points are awarded for each and the lodge with the most gets the traveling bragging rights trophy.  Soon I will be putting a sign-up sheet for these events.  As tradition stands the ER is slated for the pie eating contest.  SO come see me, try to beat them all.  If you have any questions about the picnic, don't hesitate to ask. 

I would like to thank you all for allowing me and my wife to attend the Elks National Convention in Austin, Texas and represent our lodge.  I saw our new Grand Exalted Ruler, Douglas A Schiefer installed.  I also learned a about and seen an illustration of this year's Tournament of Roses float.  The theme of the float is Cherished Memories.  I also met many new Elks and learned a lot in the process.

In closing let me say this, part of my responsibility as your ER is to protect our lodge, our endeavors and good name.  I can't do this by myself.  It takes everyone to protect all that we have worked for.   Show your pride for this lodge by defending it.  If you see or hear it being put down or slandered, speak up.  This is our lodge so let's make sure together we keep it safe and respected.  With all that being said let's work together to build one another up and be positive.  It's contagious.

Fraternally yours,
Ashley Booth
Exalted Ruler