Evergreen, CO 2363

Evergreen, CO Lodge No. 2363

The Exalted Ruler  click for story

Meets 7:00pm, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays (except July & August are 3rd Wednesdays only)

Location: 27972 Iris Drive, Evergreen, CO 80439

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 298, Evergreen, CO 80437-0298


Email: SecretaryWebmaster, Club Manager, Event Coordinator

 Check our calendar for current events and our Facilities Page for Rental Options

Club Manager/Event Coordinator: M-F 10-4pm

Club M-F 4:00pm-Close, Sa/Su Noon-Close

Effective November 1, 2019 Weekends we will open at 2:00 unless the Broncos play at 11:00 on Sundays, we will open at 11:00.

Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Days

Traveling our way? Evergreen offers views, hiking, shopping and exceptional B&B'sSee links here or on our website for resources. 

Learn about being an Elk? Ask an Elk or www.elks.org/who/