Trustee and PER Howard Gordon (L) was honored as the Elk Officer of the Year for 2020-21
Elk member Wayne Lunday (R) was honored as the 20-21 Citizen of the Year
Exalted Ruler Hal Bornstedt (20-21) recaps a year of challenges and much success.
50 year member Gary Henthorn was recognized as the 20-21 Elk of the Year.
Long time Tiler, Ray Petersen was awarded the Spirit of Elkdom Award for his many years of service and commitment to the Lodge and the Order
Lodge Esquire Rob Dahl (L), Chaplain Dave Ward (R) and Secretary John Fowler (Far R) look on as Exalted Ruler Dave Southwick presents a check for $100 to Scoutmaster Roger Mansur in appreciation for the Scouts participation and in support of their program.
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