It was a banner year for Lusk Elks Lodge for scholarship winners. At a banquet on May 2nd in honor of the scholarship winners and Students of the Month, local scholarship winners were announced.Local Most Valuable Student - Breanna Bredthauer; Local Major Project Scholar - Morgan Hanson; Local Vocational Scholar - Harley Cushman; Pat Smith Memorial Scholar - Colten Bruegger; Wyoming Elks Association Major Project Scholar - Andrew Niziol and George B. Klein Scholar - Harley Cushman.Marvin Miller was the winner of the $500 drawing and generously donated $100 back to the scholarship fund. Thank you Marvin!Pictured is Student of the Year Breanna Bredthauer along with Lusk Lodge Youth Activities Chairman Todd Skrukrud.Here Pat Smith Memorial scholarship winner Colten Bruegger is pictured with Chuck Smith and Vickie Jordan. Winners pictured here (left to right) Youth Activities Chairman Todd Skrukrud, Colten Bruegger, Chrisanna Lund, Harley Cushman, Breanna Bredthauer, Andrew Niziol, Marissa Albatand Jessie Sturman.Congratulations to all the scholars.
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