Lusk Elks Lodge held its annual picnic at the lodge on Sunday, July 27. A good sized crowd was on hand for the festivities and a good time was had by all. The Jim Triplets, here Jim Tangney, Jim Cerha and Jim Thorbjornsen, were busy cooking brats and burgers once again. Does President Arlene Zerbst-Rapp presented certificates to the Does Past Presidents. Here the Does assemble for a photo in the shadeunder the canopy donated by Jim Tangney. Thank you Jim. Darrel Frye should buy a lottery ticket because he won the PER grill raffle for the third year in a row. Congratulations Darrel.Later in the evening, the lodge recognized "Tall Paul" Swartz and his wife Carol. Paul and Carol will be moving to Arizona and we will certainly miss them. Her ER Steve Kant presents a plaque to "Tall Paul", in grateful recognition of many songs and many memories. Paul has entertained at the lodge countless times. Best wishes to Paul and Carol.Thank you to all who attended this years picnic and especially to all the cooks and helpers.
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