Exalted Ruler Mark Guilmett and 11 Officers and Members of the Rochester Elks Lodge #1393 visited the New Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton, NH for their annual bingo night with the residents on Thursday, May 9th, 2024. The games began at 6:30 PM and ended around 8 PM.
Peter Ducharme, Past Exalted Ruler from Rochester called the numbers for the games. Lodge Chair for the Bingo event was Ken Verhelle, Esteemed Lecturing Knight. George Labonte, a member of the Franklin, NH Elks #1280 and the State Elks Veterans Committee member for the NH Veterans Home was on hand to greet the Rochester members. Around 25 residents participated in the bingo night and the Rochester members helped them whenever needed during the number calling. The Rochester Lodge also donated 3 cases of diet soda and $200 in prize money for the event.
Rochester Elk members visit the home for these bingo nights in May and November. Other Elks Lodges in New Hampshire are assigned other months for their bingo nights. The NH Elks Lodges also take part in an annual summer cookout and a December Christmas Party for the residents.
The Elks organization has long had this pledge "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them." The Elks National Veterans Service Commission takes that pledge one step further, and promises service to our nation's veterans and military members, with a special focus on service to those in need.
For over 130 years, the New Hampshire Veterans Home has been a Home and a health resource for Granite State armed forces veterans. Established in 1890 as the Soldier's Home for Civil War Veterans, it has provided care and comfort for thousands who have served our country and fellow citizens.
Located in the heart of the Lakes Region and the foothills of the magnificent White Mountains, the scenic beauty surrounding the Home combined with the warm fellowship shared by residents, staff, and volunteers create a unique environment for those who have made personal sacrifices in the military and now need assistance to care for themselves.
For more info about the NH Veterans Home, please visit https://www.nh.gov/veterans/index.htm and if you would like to know more about the Elks organization, that information can be found at www.elks.org
Picture caption: Rochester Elks Officers and members pose for a picture at the May, 2024 NH Veterans Home Bingo Night – l to r, Peter Ducharme, Past Exalted Ruler, Lodge Trustee; Victor Rivera, Lodge Esquire; Rhoda Rivera, Esteemed Loyal Knight; Stacy Nestor, Member; Ken Verhelle, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; Jeanne Bernard, PER and Lodge Tiler; Georgette Verhelle, Member; Jerry Skidds, PER, PDD, Lodge Trustee; Don Chesnel, Grand Esteemed Lecturing Knight; Mark Guilmett, PER/Exalted Ruler and Debbie Guilmett, Member.
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