Our May Elk of the Month is someone who is always ready and willing to jump in and assist when needed or asked, or speaks up when he sees something needing to be done. Ross Seaborg is an extraordinarily giving Elk who goes above and beyond. Ross has been active and helpful with Christmas Baskets, the VetREST Dining-In events at our Lodge, the Women and Children's Shelter Fundraiser, various breakfast events, and numerous other committees and events. He is a constant contributor to Taco Tuesday taking his volunteer duties to the next level. Ross saw a need to tend to the landscaping at our Lodge and has taken on efforts to help lead that charge with other members. Whether it's moving tables, helping clean up after an event, jumping in to assist with Loud Mouth Bingo or Bunco, offering his help to numerous members outside the Lodge, or any other task, Ross is the first to raise his hand and lend his support. Thank you, Ross, for being a shining example of what Elkdom is about.
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