On Friday, February 23rd, 2024 representatives from theRochester Elks Lodge #1393 presented a check for $3000 dollars to the “Home forNow” (HCSC) homeless shelter located on Washington Street in Rochester, NH. Thedonation was made possible by an Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant.Representing the HCSC was Jenn Pare, Case Manager / Supervisor. Presenting thedonation was Rochester Elks Exalted Ruler Peter Ducharme and Lodge Secretary,PER and ENF Lodge Chair Norman Gervais.
The Homeless Center for Strafford County has been in existence forover 25 years and is a certified non-profit organization. Residency used to beseasonal in their former location near the Waste Management Facility. That allchanged in 2019, when HCSC acquired 17 acres of land on Washington Street, madepossible by a generous donation from the Laurion family. A building task formwas formed and in November of 2021, the Home for Now Facility opened its doorsto residents.
This facility serves single adults,elderly & families. Since October of 2023, they have served 39families, including 15 children and 4 elderly. They have 10 bedrooms with atotal of 32 beds and 1 emergency overnight folding bed.
Each client/family is required to meet with theircase manager at least one hour per week. The shelter also has volunteers comingin twice a week to cook dinner for the clients. For more information about theshelter please visit https://hcscnh.org/
The Rochester Elks Lodge #1393 is a certifiednon-profit organization with over 1,000 members locally and over 800,000members nationwide. Their programs include community service, scholarships,veterans activities, drug awareness, Americanism and youth activities. For moreinformation about the Elks, please visit www.elks.org
Picture caption: Norman Gervais, Rochester Elks Lodge Secretary, PER andENF Chair. Jenn Pare, HCSC Case Manager / Supervisor and Peter Ducharme,Rochester Elks Exalted Ruler
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